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Apple tree problem/s ... feed ... pest ... disease ...?


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  • Apple tree problem/s ... feed ... pest ... disease ...?

    I need some input guys. One of my apple trees is looking none too happy at the moment. I did discover some whitefly and have subsequently sprayed it, but I suspect there may be more than one issue here. I've got tight leaf curl in a couple of areas, and some leaf deformation/discolouration in others. I've noticed more discolouration on the new growth, and leaf curl (but with correct colour/shape) on older wood ... if that's relevant.

    I've chucked some piccies up on my blog HERE as I can get more piccies up in a single posting and don't need to edit the size etc. It also means you can right click on them and open them up in more detail if it helps.

    I suspect the leaf curl might be pests, but not sure about the discolouration issues. To be honest I did remove some notably worse leaves yesterday (though only about 3 or 4) before taking the piccies today.

    Any insights? Cheers

  • #2
    I should have put deficiency rather than feed in the title but hopefully you knew what I meant


    • #3
      I've got the same on my Braeburn down at the allotment.

      I think it's mildew, but hopefully an expert will be along soon...
      My gardening blog: In Spades, last update 30th April 2018.
      Chrysanthemum notes page here.


      • #4
        From the photos your trees mostly look fine. There is one case of leaf curl (3rd photo from the end) which is probably aphids, and on the topmost leaf on that shoot there are definitely a couple of aphids. You are in luck, as if you spot them at this point you can deal with them - once they get a colony established (which seems to happen very quickly) you will basically lose the entire shoot.

        There does seem to be some mild unhappiness in the tree, but that could be anything. What rootstock is the tree grafted on, how old is it, and how big is the pot?


        • #5
          Thanks, Orange Pippin. It was a Jonagold from B&Q, but no specified rootstock on the label. It's the tree's second year with me, so I'd guess it's maybe it's 4th year. It was repotted from a 35L(ish) pot to a 50L pot at the beginning of this year.

          I'll keep an eye out for any of the nastier leaves coming back (that I cut off before the pics) and repost pics if that happens


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