My dog-walking chum has a couple of apple trees in her garden. One, in particular (eater, I think), is very vigorous, and full of fruit. She has recently decided to take secateurs to it in order to let the sun get to the fruit. I asked her if she had 'g**gled' first, and she confessed that she hadn't, so I said perhaps she should check first.
Could she have done much damage? She likes to hack all sorts of things back in the spring, just when she feels like it, and I'm trying to steer her in the right direction, without curbing her new-found enthusiasm for gardening.
Thanks in advance!
Could she have done much damage? She likes to hack all sorts of things back in the spring, just when she feels like it, and I'm trying to steer her in the right direction, without curbing her new-found enthusiasm for gardening.
Thanks in advance!
