Hello all, thought i'd update you on my orchard here in Aberdeenshire and ask for some pruning/training advice. Planted the following last winter:
Lord Derby/M25
Tower of Glamis/MM111 (T)
Yorkshire Greening/M25 (T)
Scotch Bridget/MM111 (T)
Green Balsam/M25
These were all planted as 3-4ft maidens. They were planted in 4ft deer cages. My intention is to train them with 3 to 4 scaffolds starting at 4.5ft separated vertically by about 8" and spread evenly around the trunk. I will then cut out the leader. I think this is called a modified central leader form and should give me a strong tree, less inclined to split in my windy location.
I did not head back on planting as they are on vigorous rootstocks and were all shorter than my lowest desired scaffold. All seem to have established well, particularly the ToG, SB and YG which have already put on 16" of growth. The LD was slow to start growing but has put on 6-12" of thick growth now. Unfortuantely the GB came with a damaged tip so had to train a lateral vertically to take over as a leader. It has however produced loads of side shoots but doesn't look like being as much of a beast as the others. The YG is very whippy despite being on M25.
The three vigorous varieties are getting close to 5ft now. I would like to get laterals starting at 6" below this, so I guess next year will be critical. The YG, SB and LD have produced laterals just below the junction with last years growth. Should I expect that again next year or do I need to be more active in promoting the laterals where I want them? The ToG has produced only short lateral stubs and seems more vertically inclined! My RHS book says when dormant to prune out laterals in bottom third, reduce laterals by 2/3 in centre to act as stem builders, and leave top third. Conversely I have seen mention of removing all laterals to stimulate growth further up; nick/notch or even to head the leader. My questions are:
1) Am I likely to get my laterals next year below the junction with this years growth?
2) Should I remove all lower laterals, some laterals, or reduce length by 2/3 or to a couple of buds?
3) Should I consider heading back leaders in the winter (especially ToG) to be sure of laterals? Obviously I will need to spread the laterals to get better crotch angles if i head back.
4) On the LD and ToG there are buds and whorls of leaves up the entire stem. Should I be rubbing these off now, prune them off in the winter or leave them?
Sorry this has got so long, I think I've been reading too much! Any advice would be gratefully received.
Lord Derby/M25
Tower of Glamis/MM111 (T)
Yorkshire Greening/M25 (T)
Scotch Bridget/MM111 (T)
Green Balsam/M25
These were all planted as 3-4ft maidens. They were planted in 4ft deer cages. My intention is to train them with 3 to 4 scaffolds starting at 4.5ft separated vertically by about 8" and spread evenly around the trunk. I will then cut out the leader. I think this is called a modified central leader form and should give me a strong tree, less inclined to split in my windy location.
I did not head back on planting as they are on vigorous rootstocks and were all shorter than my lowest desired scaffold. All seem to have established well, particularly the ToG, SB and YG which have already put on 16" of growth. The LD was slow to start growing but has put on 6-12" of thick growth now. Unfortuantely the GB came with a damaged tip so had to train a lateral vertically to take over as a leader. It has however produced loads of side shoots but doesn't look like being as much of a beast as the others. The YG is very whippy despite being on M25.
The three vigorous varieties are getting close to 5ft now. I would like to get laterals starting at 6" below this, so I guess next year will be critical. The YG, SB and LD have produced laterals just below the junction with last years growth. Should I expect that again next year or do I need to be more active in promoting the laterals where I want them? The ToG has produced only short lateral stubs and seems more vertically inclined! My RHS book says when dormant to prune out laterals in bottom third, reduce laterals by 2/3 in centre to act as stem builders, and leave top third. Conversely I have seen mention of removing all laterals to stimulate growth further up; nick/notch or even to head the leader. My questions are:
1) Am I likely to get my laterals next year below the junction with this years growth?
2) Should I remove all lower laterals, some laterals, or reduce length by 2/3 or to a couple of buds?
3) Should I consider heading back leaders in the winter (especially ToG) to be sure of laterals? Obviously I will need to spread the laterals to get better crotch angles if i head back.
4) On the LD and ToG there are buds and whorls of leaves up the entire stem. Should I be rubbing these off now, prune them off in the winter or leave them?
Sorry this has got so long, I think I've been reading too much! Any advice would be gratefully received.