After planting my first grapevine I decided I would have another in a sunnier spot. I spent ages finding a nice strong one from my local garden centre.
About a week after planting I noticed some powdry mildew on the leaves and some of the small grapes. I got some powder sulphur and puffed some on the vine. After cutting away the leaves I could see which were affected.
I did this about 2 weeks ago and I can see loads more. Is this normal? I'm not going to have much of the vine left if I keep cutting it back.
It was planted in a newly built raised bed with just over 4 bags of compost and a sprinkling of fish bone meal powder.
Help please
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About a week after planting I noticed some powdry mildew on the leaves and some of the small grapes. I got some powder sulphur and puffed some on the vine. After cutting away the leaves I could see which were affected.
I did this about 2 weeks ago and I can see loads more. Is this normal? I'm not going to have much of the vine left if I keep cutting it back.
It was planted in a newly built raised bed with just over 4 bags of compost and a sprinkling of fish bone meal powder.
Help please
Sent from my iPhone using Grow Your Own Forum