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Currants - ready??
I like the idea of growing currants. The tartness appeals to me.
Are there any special tips to grow them well, or are they pretty straightforward?
How do you use currants? I can only think of in jam (and Ribena).
Farmer_Gyles, I'm just down the road from you - Caterham
I use them for jam, cordials, alcoholic infusions and cooked for toppings on ice cream or yoghurt. Actually now I think of it, I also use them for ice cream. I find they're easy as long as they have enough space (preferably about 5 - 6' spacing). Rake a few years to establish but then last well and produce loads.
Why though does predictive text want to correct "loads" to "liars", why would my currant bush be a liar?
Some of us live in the past, always talking about back then. Some of us live in the future, always planning what we are going to do. And, then there are those, who neither look behind or ahead, but just enjoy the moment of right now.
Which one are you and is it how you want to be?
Very easy to grow and propagate. I also use them for ice cream and in fruit pie, crumble as a coulis(great with panna cotta). I actually like them fresh and use them in a mixed currant desert (red, black and white)served with walnut pastry and real egg custard (I think it may be a Gordon Ramsey recipe?) it's a real hit! I also make a cordial with them and freeze in those disposable ice cube bags, great in a little cheap fizz!
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