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lifes a peach


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  • #16
    I have an Amsden June peach tree in a pot, it flowered and fruited last year for the first time.
    Feb 24th - so shouldn't be long now

    I moved it to the poly after flowering

    June 22nd

    This year, its moved to a different spot in another GH where its starting to swell its buds Going to look out for the flowers now - thanks for the reminder Buffs
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    • #17
      Originally posted by BUFFS View Post
      my peach is a red haven from aldi @ £3.99 about 5/6yrs ago and it really does produce well up here, it sits in the greenhouse until after fruiting when I move it outside until the frosts, the 2 windows are permanently open in the greenhouse as the peaches don't mind the cold its the constant rain they hate. it has been quite happy even after winters of weeks of -13 to -16degs, at the prices asked (the cost of one or two pints) you will not lose out as long as it has some cover so good luck..
      I forgot to say , its in a half dustbin (22ins to soil level) in john innes No3 compost and as of today the buds are starting to get a little bit of colour on them as they begin to swell properly. i am drooling again...


      • #18
        Originally posted by Jay22 View Post
        Unfortunately I don't have a greenhouse, do you think either of these peach trees would survive without cover?
        I think they don't like rain much, so possibly putting up a sort of temporary lean-to just covering the peach in the rainy months is advised. I'm not sure If I can persuade hubby to do this so mine are likely to be left alone unless they look like they're really unhappy in which case I'll DIMyself

        I don't have a greenhouse either, Jay. Shall we take the plunge together and get a peach each and see what grows? Where are you in Scotland? I'm just outside Dundee. Think Buffs is in Scotland too.


        • #19
          The main problem with the rain is that it spreads the Peach Leaf Curl fungus. So most people who grow them against a wall rig up some sort of shelter to keep the rain off in the spring.
          My gardening blog: In Spades, last update 30th April 2018.
          Chrysanthemum notes page here.


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