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New allotment holder and gooseberry a


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  • New allotment holder and gooseberry a

    Hi everyone I have just taken on an allotment and am soooo skint so trying to do it on the bare minimum of � and I was wondering if anyone would be kind enough to send me some gooseberry cuttings pretty please x

  • #2
    Congratulations on your allotment!

    I don't grow gooseberries, I suggest you make friends with the other people on your site. I'm sure you will get loads of free stuff that way and it will be varieties that grow well in your local conditions.

    Good luck, it needn't be an expensive hobby, quite the opposite.
    My gardening blog: In Spades, last update 30th April 2018.
    Chrysanthemum notes page here.


    • #3
      Hi and grats on your new lottie.

      I think as a rule most people on the forum work on the basis of you supply the cost of p+p for swaps (which could get pricey for plants) and you should have been a member for 1 month and done 50 posts.

      If you are after cheap gooseberries try aldi and lidl when they do their monthly deals, The Range and any value garden centres i.e some QD's. Also in the next few months try the bargain corners of garden centres. They are often reduced for clearance when they are in their dormant stage.

      Also where abouts are you? Some peeps might know other places close to you worth a try.
      Last edited by Norfolkgrey; 02-10-2014, 11:56 AM.


      • #4
        Hi tattiebogle and belated welcome.
        Are you on the same allotment as in 2011?
        Please have a read of
        Obviously you qualify on your length of membership but you need to have made at least 50 posts before anyone will swap or offer you plants. Sorry and all that, but them's the rules
        Ask around your allotment, I'm sure someone will have some gooseberry cuttings to give you.


        • #5
          Oops sorry about not reading the rules. No it's a new plot old one had gooseberrys in it. Has anyone tried cheap pound shop stuff ? I am thinking I saw some fruit bushes in there once wrong time to get one now I am guessing x


          • #6
            Oh also I had guessed I would pay p and p ����❤️


            • #7
              Originally posted by tattiebogle31 View Post
              Has anyone tried cheap pound shop stuff ?
              I am guessing they will be similar to aldi and lidl specials as well as cherry lane and the range. There is usually a large tray with a mix of any of the following gooseberry (red and green), honeyberry, goji berry, blackberry, raspberry and currants. In 9cm pots with cardboard label and cellophane standing about 30cms tall. Priced about �1.99 ea. but depending on season might be reduced to pence.

              I have bought from all these with no probs. Just use a little savvy when selecting. Check soil (hopefully damp) check roots do they fill the pot? not pot bound? no critters nesting in roots? etc. check plant are there signs of life (hard to tell in dormant state) look for buds and state of buds? in season nice green leaf.


              • #8
                Thanks norfolkgrey I will keep eyes peeled for when they in x


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