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Cherry Tree not fruiting?


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  • Cherry Tree not fruiting?


    We took on a plot last year that has a well established cherry tree. its rather large so has obviously been there a number of years.

    Last year it didn't fruit. I don't know what the years prior to last were like but last year zilch.

    What should I be doing to encourage fruiting? There is a cherry tree on the next plot so pollination shouldn't be the issue.

    the tree must have fruited at some point or the previous owner wouldn't have kept it, surely?

  • #2
    My Dad use to have a temperamental cherry tree fruit one year nothing for two and so on in a random pattern, I don't know what variety. I have a white heart which is also temperamental but it is quite a young tree, If the tree isn't in the way of anything I would leave it be. However if you could make better use of the space I would give it a second chance and if no joy get rid.


    • #3
      I was thinking the same but it would be such a shame. it must be over 15ft tall at its highest point so its been there a while :/


      • #4
        Originally posted by Gemizzel View Post
        I was thinking the same but it would be such a shame. it must be over 15ft tall at its highest point so its been there a while :/
        Also if it did fruit would you be able to protect the fruit? seeing as the tree is well established. I have an established wild cherry that fruits well. However I have about a 10 day window to pick (slighty under ripe fruit aswell) before the birds strip it and deposit the stones absolutely everywhere The 1st year I picked nothing, last year I managed to pick enough for 12 jars of jam. Not a great return if it was taking up valuable growing space


        • #5
          Could it be an ornamental cherry?
          All the best - Glutton 4 Punishment
          Freelance shrub butcher and weed removal operative.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Glutton4... View Post
            Could it be an ornamental cherry?
            Maybe... although I wouldn't know how to tell - unless it has a label of course
            I haven't seen anything on it to indicate what type it is but it maybe underneath the membrane which surrounds it. Will have a look when I next go


            • #7
              Originally posted by Norfolkgrey View Post
              Also if it did fruit would you be able to protect the fruit? seeing as the tree is well established. I have an established wild cherry that fruits well. However I have about a 10 day window to pick (slighty under ripe fruit aswell) before the birds strip it and deposit the stones absolutely everywhere The 1st year I picked nothing, last year I managed to pick enough for 12 jars of jam. Not a great return if it was taking up valuable growing space

              Its quite big, it would take some protecting! Through the summer I can go daily so not a problem to pick regularly.


              • #8
                But the birds wake up hungry at dawn!


                • #9
                  Did it flower last year?


                  • #10
                    Ornamental cherries usually have larger frillier definitely pink blossom, do they not? And often double flowers.
                    Whereas fruiting ones have paler almost white single flowers.

                    If it's that big I wouldn't be able to bear to cut it down - I LOVE cherry trees in full blossom!


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by DiggerSean View Post
                      Did it flower last year?
                      I don't recall seeing any flowers on it


                      • #12
                        That's your problem then, no flowers = no fruit. The next question is why didn't it flower. For a mature cherry that is a uncommon. Has it got flower buds forming right now?


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by DiggerSean View Post
                          That's your problem then, no flowers = no fruit. The next question is why didn't it flower. For a mature cherry that is a uncommon. Has it got flower buds forming right now?
                          Again, I haven't noticed any but will double check. If there isn't, what do I need to do?


                          • #14
                            This post may be nonsense as I don't know anything about fruit trees, however last year wasn't very productive for my neighbours.

                            They put it down to the mild winter causing trees to blossom earlier - they then got hit with frost in May which decimated their potential crop

                            This was mainly apples and pears - I don't know if it had an affect on cherries.
                            .......because you're thinking of putting the kettle on and making a pot of tea perhaps, you old weirdo. (Veggie Chicken - 25/01/18)

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