What do they mean by early mine has just got some little leaves on , when i got the timberley early i thought i would be pulling it by now ! I did put it in last year and it had loads of stalks on it I wrote to the Grapevine and they said do not touch it this year let all the goodness go back to the crown i hope i will flourish
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Timperley early
It is still a bit cold for Rhubarb to put on much growth but if it has started then it won't be long. If you want really early Rhubarb you need to force it but it means that you can't use the stalks for the rest of the year to allow the crown to build up its strength. So you need more than one crown if you are going to try forcing it. If you do it is really quite simple, just up end a black dustbin over the crown as soon as it shows signs of growth and within a few weeks will you will have tall pale pink stems. Just pulled the first ones this year.Gardening requires a lot of water - most of it in the form of perspiration. Lou Erickson, critic and poet
I both have Timperley Early and a regular variety. The Timperley Early is considerably more advanced than the regular variety, but not yet ready for picking. I am not forcing either of them this year.K's Garden blog the story of the creation of our garden
My Hawke's Champagne is much further along than the Timperly Earlies I've got. Am waiting for the Fulton's Strawberry Surprise to surprise me by doing anything at all...I don't have much luck with rhubarb.http://mudandgluts.com - growing fruit and veg in suburbia
I harvested my first Timperley Early stems a few weeks ago. My Victoria might be ready soon (I've been too busy to check in the last few days). I don't force my rhubarb. My soil is light and sandy so warms quickly in spring, giving plants an early start and a long season..
Hi, I have three crowns of timperley early, they have been planted two years, this is the third so I I've started to harvest.
Three feeds so far this year, I didn't force and have had great stalks.
It's worth the wait, I read a lot that it's a leave alone crop but I watered mine a fair bit over the first couple of years and mulched well with rotted horse manure around the crowns, not touching the crowns to avoid rot.
I harvest 5 nice stalks this evening and watered well.
Give it some tlc and patience!<*}}}>< Jonathan ><{{{*>
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