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Looks like a good year for fruit.


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  • Looks like a good year for fruit.

    Lots of blossom on the fruit trees and bushes already.

    One of the Stella cherry trees and a peach flowered a couple of weeks ago
    The Plum trees and greengage, which have never flowered before, are covered in blossom
    Pear trees have lots of buds
    Some of the early apples won't be long,
    Jostaberries and redcurrants are in flower
    Buds on summer raspberries
    Some small strawberries already on the plants.

    I'm hoping for a good crop of fruit this year
    How are yours doing?

  • #2
    A lot of my fruit was planted last year but my white and black currants are starting to form flowers, blackberry is growing massive, autumn raspberries are throwing up new canes as are my tayberry (which could be a loganberry label went missing) my alpine strawberries are getting flowers and my blueberries look great.

    Think you could be right fruit is looking good just need to get a crack on with the veg side!

    Hope everyone elses is doing well


    • #3
      Among the trees in the orchard planted in 2010, peaches are nearing the end of blossoming, after a month from earliest to latest. I have about twenty types of plums, the japanese plums, mirabelles and hybrids are in the middle of their blooming time, english plums and gages are just beginning. Jargonelle is the first of nine pear trees to flower and today the first apple blossom flowered, Red Windsor. When we planted that orchard, it was sticks in a field, and I kept cheering everyone on by saying it would look wonderful in five years, and I think I was right . . it looks as if every tree and bush will have flowers this Spring and as long as the weather doesn't have a vicious snap it could be a very good season.


      • #4
        Agreed...lots of blossom, but we're having frost most nights at the moment which doesn't bode well does it?
        "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

        Location....Normandy France


        • #5
          There's been very little frost here all winter - can't remember the last one. Hope its all over until next winter.


          • #6
            Plenty of promising blossom here too.
            Also plenty of wood ants which are being as troublesome as ever, they walked straight over the Vaseline and hydrated lime with no problem, as much as I hate it I have had to cover bases of fruit trees with ant killer.
            Feed the soil, not the plants.
            (helps if you have cluckies)

            Man v Squirrels, pigeons & Ants


            • #7
              Is looking promising but most is yet to come. I better start tying some carrier bags to the smaller trees to deter the ruddy pigeons eating my flowers.


              • #8
                Way behind here, the buds on the 3 trees I have are just starting to open. Thought the raspberries had woken up but they appear to have gone to sleep again and the strawbs, I think, are long gone, not a peep from them at all!


                • #9
                  Lots of buds on all my apples, some on 'Brownlees' Russet', an earlyish flowerer, on the verge of opening. Buds on some of my gooseberry bushes, but not, as far as I can see, on others. Lots of buds on my 'Isfahan' quince, planted in 2008, though it's never yet managed to produce any fruit: it's probably badly situated, in front of the house, which faces N-E. Autumn raspberries starting to show signs of life at last. Looking good so far.
                  Tour of my back garden mini-orchard.


                  • #10
                    Well, somebody spoke a bit too soon - we've had a couple of slight frosts in the last few days with a lot of fruit trees in blossom. It will be interesting to see which, if any, manage to set fruit.

                    My trees which haven't yet blossomed:
                    Ashmead's Kernel
                    Court Pendu Plat
                    Edward VII
                    Gascoyne's Scarlet
                    Laxton's Epicure
                    Winter Majetin

                    So I could still get a decent crop.


                    • #11
                      All the early apples on the younger (smaller) trees looked as if they were dipped in tea, so fingers crossed for them. The plums had pretty much finished flowering by the nasty cold snap, so they may scrape through, too but the pears were in full bloom. I'm worried about my five year old Coe's Golden Drop as it hasn't woken up yet from the winter, along with Cot'n'Candy and one of the peaches, and I daren't go and look at the grapevines which were just bursting their buds.
                      The mid term apples are still looking good - Kidd's Orange, Cox, Beauty of Bath, Lord Lambourne, Ribston. Just a few leaves showing on Orleans Reinette, Peasgood, Melba, Ashmeads Kernel, Court Pendu Plat - they look as if it'll be a couple of weeks before they are in full bloom.


                      • #12
                        We must be lucky - no frost here!


                        • #13
                          Feed the soil, not the plants.
                          (helps if you have cluckies)

                          Man v Squirrels, pigeons & Ants


                          • #14
                            I have the blossom but I haven't had anywhere near the number of bees to previous years. Anyone else have this issue?


                            • #15
                              I've had quite a few bees visiting so far. Had plenty nipping into the polytunnel to visit my strawberry plants and got some lovely big strawberries ripening.
                              What do you get if you divide the circumference of a pumpkin by its diameter?
                              Pumpkin pi.


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