Morning all!
I am intending to plant a blackcurrant hedge in my front garden. I believe I have all the necessary to create a good growing medium. We are heavy clay here despite being so close to the sea but I have two sacks of farmyard manure and one of soil conditioner to dig in so unless you experts have spotted a flaw already my question is this...
We suffer from mares/horse tail weed and although I appreciate the weed is not harmful to plants i.e. does not strangle it etc like bindweed it is an unsightly nuisance and pulling it up just encourages more and more to grow. Where it pops up we isolate it with a cut off plastic bottle and squirt Roundup down onto it. In the front lawn at present it is not too prolific and any odd ones are just mown down with the grass which keeps it in check but once I take the turf off and dig over the new bed for the blackcurrants it could go bananas. I was intending to cover the bed with a thick layer of weed suppressant, plant the three bushes through it and then mulch on top (possibly bark). Will this work or will it prevent the bushes from joining together to make a hedge? Also how do I improve the soil in future seasons? Roll the suppressant back plonk on the manure mulch and then roll it back? Or will it all need replacing each year - it is semi permeable so will break down over time.
Your thoughts would be appreciated - my husband has not quite perfected the art of stopping his eyes rolling back in his head when I raise the subject with him - but he's just gone off to the football for today so the project is on!!
I am intending to plant a blackcurrant hedge in my front garden. I believe I have all the necessary to create a good growing medium. We are heavy clay here despite being so close to the sea but I have two sacks of farmyard manure and one of soil conditioner to dig in so unless you experts have spotted a flaw already my question is this...
We suffer from mares/horse tail weed and although I appreciate the weed is not harmful to plants i.e. does not strangle it etc like bindweed it is an unsightly nuisance and pulling it up just encourages more and more to grow. Where it pops up we isolate it with a cut off plastic bottle and squirt Roundup down onto it. In the front lawn at present it is not too prolific and any odd ones are just mown down with the grass which keeps it in check but once I take the turf off and dig over the new bed for the blackcurrants it could go bananas. I was intending to cover the bed with a thick layer of weed suppressant, plant the three bushes through it and then mulch on top (possibly bark). Will this work or will it prevent the bushes from joining together to make a hedge? Also how do I improve the soil in future seasons? Roll the suppressant back plonk on the manure mulch and then roll it back? Or will it all need replacing each year - it is semi permeable so will break down over time.
Your thoughts would be appreciated - my husband has not quite perfected the art of stopping his eyes rolling back in his head when I raise the subject with him - but he's just gone off to the football for today so the project is on!!