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Vine recommendation


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  • Vine recommendation

    I'm interested in growing some grapes, outdoors in south west Wales.

    I have two potential areas, one flat around 100 m above sea level and relatively sheltered the other with a west facing slope around 125 m elevation and more exposed. It would be more convenient to use the west facing slope unless the vines are likely to do significantly worse there. How much impact will the westerly aspect and exposure have?

    I'm looking at two rows of approximately 50 m, so at say 2 m spacing that would be around 100 vines.

    Can anyone recommend varieties (maybe four different?) which will thrive in the west Wales environment, ideally without much (or any?) spraying? My main interest is grapes for juice as well as the table – I might venture into wine at some point but that's not an immediate interest.

    Any pointers to good information online, or recommended suppliers would be greatly appreciated!

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