I am no expert and only mention this as it was suggested by John Negus in one of the weekly gardening magazines:-
"Your apples are infected with scab disease, spray with Vitax Bordeaux mixture just before and immmediately after leaf fall"
Vitax told me they are not selling Bordeaux mixture anymore but a web search revealed some 'iffy' looking web sites who are still selling it.
FB would you use Bordeaux mixture? and if so would you use it now when the leaves are beginning to fall, or would you use it in the spring, as one garden centre 'expert' told me to do (They didn't have any in stock which may have had something to do with that recommendation
Any thoughts from you FB or anyone else would be gratefully received.
"Your apples are infected with scab disease, spray with Vitax Bordeaux mixture just before and immmediately after leaf fall"
Vitax told me they are not selling Bordeaux mixture anymore but a web search revealed some 'iffy' looking web sites who are still selling it.
FB would you use Bordeaux mixture? and if so would you use it now when the leaves are beginning to fall, or would you use it in the spring, as one garden centre 'expert' told me to do (They didn't have any in stock which may have had something to do with that recommendation

Any thoughts from you FB or anyone else would be gratefully received.