Not one mention, how about because it might not be true (or it's the fault of UK gold plated legislation)! Why does the quote "A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on" spring to mind?
The European Commission has actually told Ireland that EU laws don't stop river dredging.
"THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION has said any suggestion EU environmental rules are to blame for the recent severe flooding in Ireland is “completely without foundation”.
In a statement released today, the commission said: “EU law does not ban dredging. The water framework directive (WFD) and the floods directive do not include detailed rules on how member states manage their water courses. That is decided by the member states themselves."
EU to Ireland: We’re not stopping you from dredging
Oh and some people say that river dredging can make flooding worse because it speeds up water flow. Some people also say the Somerset floods might have been made worse by digging up all of the orchards (as apple trees consume a lot more water than grass).
The European Commission has actually told Ireland that EU laws don't stop river dredging.
"THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION has said any suggestion EU environmental rules are to blame for the recent severe flooding in Ireland is “completely without foundation”.
In a statement released today, the commission said: “EU law does not ban dredging. The water framework directive (WFD) and the floods directive do not include detailed rules on how member states manage their water courses. That is decided by the member states themselves."
EU to Ireland: We’re not stopping you from dredging
Oh and some people say that river dredging can make flooding worse because it speeds up water flow. Some people also say the Somerset floods might have been made worse by digging up all of the orchards (as apple trees consume a lot more water than grass).