I ordered several different varieties of strawberries bare rooted in Feb. Planted some in 4" pots and some in a tiered pop up container. They seem to grow a set of leaves, then an older set die. Then they send out new growth and then the other set die again. It's like a little cycle and the plant cannot maintain more than a couple of sets of leaves.
Planted in multipurpose compost, neutral pH, lightly watered regularly with tap water early in morning and in the evening when required, if it has not rained. They continue to send out growth but at the cost of older leaves. Some are outside and some are in unheated GH. Please see attached images. This is only my second season of growing and cannot fathom out what I am doing wrong. Any gurus care to share their experience in what I might be doing that is causing my problem?
I ordered several different varieties of strawberries bare rooted in Feb. Planted some in 4" pots and some in a tiered pop up container. They seem to grow a set of leaves, then an older set die. Then they send out new growth and then the other set die again. It's like a little cycle and the plant cannot maintain more than a couple of sets of leaves.
Planted in multipurpose compost, neutral pH, lightly watered regularly with tap water early in morning and in the evening when required, if it has not rained. They continue to send out growth but at the cost of older leaves. Some are outside and some are in unheated GH. Please see attached images. This is only my second season of growing and cannot fathom out what I am doing wrong. Any gurus care to share their experience in what I might be doing that is causing my problem?