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Late to plant raspberry canes


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  • Late to plant raspberry canes

    I've ordered 'Polka' (primocane) raspberry canes from mr fothergills, a variety that I have wanted for while.
    The canes were due to be despatched (wait, or is that dispatched...I don't mean killed I mean sent!) they should have been sent "from 29th March".

    I've just rung them and a very polite man said they will now be looking to send them out in mid April.
    I did ask him if they were actually in stock and he assured me that they are.

    So now I'm wondering; will this delay be bad for my canes? I always thought they should be planted while dormant which would have been before March anyway...mid April seems late to me.

  • #2
    Mine which are in the ground and basically dormant still, so a couple of weeks should not be overly bad for them. I would guess the worst is they grow a little less and so a little less fruit. But in the first year they will be trying to establish themselves so do not expect boundless amounts of fruit.

    The one aspect is to be sure that they will arrive mid-April, it sounds as if you are a little dubious of this more then anything. If they are in stock then why not put them in the post is I suppose what you are asking yourself.

    Sort of mid-April could become mid-late April to send then and you would then get them late April, maybe even May.

    I always just visit a garden centre and get what I want, wander to the exit tills and pay. Places here do bare root as they effectively heel them into a large compost bed and you pick a couple of bunches. There is a lot to be said for having them in your hand.


    • #3
      Given that they are autumn berries and on my limited experience I wouldn't worry too much. I ordered Polka & Joan J last year from somewhere else - they had a delay too. I got them in April because of the cool spring and problems lifting them from the grower's in Scotland. Planted out 21 April and I had a satisfyingly big harvest in the autumn. Massive berries. - growing fruit and veg in suburbia


      • #4
        Oh good, thanks folks!

        I couldn't get hold of polka locally Kirk, so it was order online or buy something else....and I really, REALLY wanted polka.

        And yes Sparrow, those are my concerns! I was initially worried that they didn't have them and would send me a different variety as a substitution by which time I'd be unable to get them elsewhere...but they assure me they have the mythical polka in stock and if you planted yours in April with no ill effects I guess I'll just sit on my hands and wait


        • #5
          So, I just rung Mr Fothergill again.
          Over a week ago, for people ordering polka raspberries, they changed their website to say despatch would be within seven days.
          So I dug the holes ready for the canes I ordered and paid for way back in March and patiently waited.

          When no e-mails or raspberries came I rang them back.
          Now they say (and I quote) "The garden centre are holding them back, we don't know why, we don't know how long they'll take but definitely another week"

          She says I can cancel the order and have a refund if I want one but I don't know if I'll be able to get them anywhere else now!

          When I asked why, if they don't physically have the plants and cannot get answers from 'the garden centre' are they still offering them for sale and promising (in bold capitals) DESPATCH WITHIN 7 DAYS?

          guess what she said?
're breaking up! I can hardly hear you!

          I think Mr Fothergill tells fibs


          • #6
            Okay...blackmoor have some and they tell me that their stock count is 'live' so whatever I put in basket is mine from point of payment.

            So folks...are Blackmoor a good company? Anyone used them?


            • #7
              Blackmoor has 37 sets of 10 Polka canes available at £13.20 + p&p. I love that company - they are really reliable, keep a realtime stock list and have great customer service.

              Ashridge are out of stock, Crocus has 5 canes for £12.99 + p&p
     - growing fruit and veg in suburbia


              • #8

                Great minds etc...
       - growing fruit and veg in suburbia


                • #9
                  Thank you Sparrow, thats me sorted!
                  (well, as soon as OH gets back with his credit card )


                  • #10
                    Mwah haha haha!
                    (evil laughter)

                    They take paypal


                    • #11
                      They've arrived already!

                      How's that for service?
                      Blackmoors are my new favourite supplier!

                      I'm going to plant them now....guessing I cut them down to ground level right?
                      And the ones that have three or four stems from a point one inch up from the I cut those beneath where they branch...or cut each stem back to the branch point?


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