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How to propagate wineberries and tayberries...


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  • How to propagate wineberries and tayberries...

    Hi all

    A little while back, some bad weather caused a bit of damage to one of my wineberry plants and one of my tayberry plants. It resulted in me having to cut off a stem. I put it into water hoping I could propagate a new plant from it. I'm totally new to propagation so I was totally guessing.

    I watched a couple of videos today; albeit for different types of berries as I could find none for wine/tay. IN those videos the people put them straight into compost/soil to propagate rather than into water.

    So I'm wondering what I should do and if anyone has any tips on how to propagate from a broken stems of tay and wineberries.



  • #2
    I know nothing about wineberries, but the way I root tayberries is to put quite a long root tip cutting into a deep pot in Autumn, and leave them to get on with it.

    I don't know if they would work at this time of year, as the stems will be soft and so more likely to rot, the warm weather won't help either, but nothing to stop you trying.


    • #3
      Tayberries will do it for you. They send out runners like Raspberries. Wait until you get a strong one in spring. dig it up and pot it and you have new plant. Maybe Wineberries are the same.
      Gardening requires a lot of water - most of it in the form of perspiration. Lou Erickson, critic and poet


      • #4
        Agree with tayberries and am going to try it later this year with a Wineberry as want to give one to my brother.

        Some of us live in the past, always talking about back then. Some of us live in the future, always planning what we are going to do. And, then there are those, who neither look behind or ahead, but just enjoy the moment of right now.

        Which one are you and is it how you want to be?


        • #5
          for the wineberry I would shove some 8ins of so prunings into a greenhouse border, or shaded porch in good sized pots, three quarters depth, shade them while this hot weather is with you, and lift them next may when they should have a reasonable, viable root system, it works on all the other berry fruits and all these plants want is a chance to grow and thrive, provide the basics and leave the rest to them, they have survived millions of years without being "difficult" to grow....


          • #6
            Tayberries are similar to blackberries to propagate and if left to it will do it themselves. The 'canes' bend over as they grow and take root where they touch the round. Wiki-pedia suggests wineberries are similar. I have a tayberry and was easily able to get 3 new plants in its second year this way.


            • #7
              I've done the same as Mark with my tayberries and have a couple of new plants growing away.
     - growing fruit and veg in suburbia


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