As above. These plants are a few years old and have been in this garden over 2 years now, and had been established at my old house for around 3 years too. So they're not young. Some of the new sprouting cains are over 5 foot high.
The ground is clay but I've dug in a lot of organic compost to make it more airy, and drainage is good.
Do raspberries just get less fruity with age, or could it be the soil/nutrients here are not good.
Any advice appreciated thanks! and if they're a lost cause.... I'll dig them out and put something different into the spaces.
as a separate aside note, there were annoying little micro sized caterpillar looking things devouring some of the lower leaves, but I've killed those all off now. I dont think they impacted any new flower tresses.
The ground is clay but I've dug in a lot of organic compost to make it more airy, and drainage is good.
Do raspberries just get less fruity with age, or could it be the soil/nutrients here are not good.
Any advice appreciated thanks! and if they're a lost cause.... I'll dig them out and put something different into the spaces.
as a separate aside note, there were annoying little micro sized caterpillar looking things devouring some of the lower leaves, but I've killed those all off now. I dont think they impacted any new flower tresses.