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Info on Elstar, Jonagold, Abate Fetel, Morello trees


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  • #16
    Originally posted by veggiechicken View Post
    Other suppliers are available!
    Thank you. I'm going to check these links right now.

    And thanks Norfolkgrey and othe people for their answers.


    • #17
      Originally posted by veggiechicken View Post
      Shouldn't laugh.................but I will
      OMG hahahaha


      • #18
        Originally posted by Jay-ell View Post
        Its possible to graft multiple varieties onto one rootstock as a Family Tree, but ideally you would want it so each variety can pollinate the others to maximise production.

        Grafting them onto another rootstock wouldn't change their flowering group or how they are pollinated. The rootstock controls the vigour and height of the combined tree.

        Any crab apple (no matter how bad ) in your street will more than likely be close enough to pollinate both trees. Crab apples flower for longer periods and so can cover most of the flowering groups. The crab apple is used to provide the pollen to fertilise your apples and not as a rootstock. It doesn't have to be in the same garden as long as the bees visit it ans your trees.
        Can't blame #autocorrect on this one!

        No crap or crab apple trees around here I'm afraid, just some cherry trees. But I can ask my friend for some scions. Thanks a lot!


        • #19
          We like a good typo/predictive text mix-up
          In fact, henceforth, I will always think of them as crapapples


          • #20
            OK Faughan,

            Where abouts are you moving them to? Crab apples are often planted as ornamentals in gardens, on public streets, in parks etc. Have you had a stroll around the area to see if there are any in the area (remember that crab apples can vary in seize from the size of an apple to the size of a grape - the fruit that is, not the tree).

            Is your new place in the middle of a town or out in the sticks somewhere? Do you have the space to get a dwarfing crab apple tree - crab apples are great in jellies and jams as they have loads of pectin, also attract lots of pollinators due to the long flowering period, look good, etc, etc, etc

            If there's ornamental/bird cherries planted I think that the morello should be OK, don't know about the pear tree.

            Of course you could always move them and if in a couple of years no fruit decide on the best course of action then.

            New all singing all dancing blog - Jasons Jungle

            �I have not failed 1,000 times. I have successfully discovered 1,000 ways to NOT make a light bulb."
            ― Thomas A. Edison

            �Negative results are just what I want. They�re just as valuable to me as positive results. I can never find the thing that does the job best until I find the ones that don�t.�
            ― Thomas A. Edison

            - I must be a Nutter,VC says so -


            • #21
              Originally posted by Jay-ell View Post
              OK Faughan,

              Where abouts are you moving them to? Crab apples are often planted as ornamentals in gardens, on public streets, in parks etc. Have you had a stroll around the area to see if there are any in the area (remember that crab apples can vary in seize from the size of an apple to the size of a grape - the fruit that is, not the tree).

              Is your new place in the middle of a town or out in the sticks somewhere? Do you have the space to get a dwarfing crab apple tree - crab apples are great in jellies and jams as they have loads of pectin, also attract lots of pollinators due to the long flowering period, look good, etc, etc, etc

              If there's ornamental/bird cherries planted I think that the morello should be OK, don't know about the pear tree.

              Of course you could always move them and if in a couple of years no fruit decide on the best course of action then.
              I have two cherry morellos and there are approx 10 cherry trees around here, so I guess it should be ok.

              I live outside the city. My garden isn't massive but I do have space for a dwarf crab apple tree. In fact I was just looking to one of those dwarf fruit trees collections: Apple 'Golden Delicious', Apple 'Gala', Pear 'Doyenne du Comice' and Plum 'Black Amber'. I was trying to find if they will do ok in sunny Northern Ireland.

              Thanks again!


              • #22
                Originally posted by Faughan View Post
                I have two cherry morellos and there are approx 10 cherry trees around here, so I guess it should be ok.

                I live outside the city. My garden isn't massive but I do have space for a dwarf crab apple tree. In fact I was just looking to one of those dwarf fruit trees collections: Apple 'Golden Delicious', Apple 'Gala', Pear 'Doyenne du Comice' and Plum 'Black Amber'. I was trying to find if they will do ok in sunny Northern Ireland.

                Thanks again!
                I have Doyenne du Comice in Newcastle in the North East. Can't tell you if they're any good as I only got them this year (along with Elstar and Jonagold - which is currently growing three whole apples)

                New all singing all dancing blog - Jasons Jungle

                �I have not failed 1,000 times. I have successfully discovered 1,000 ways to NOT make a light bulb."
                ― Thomas A. Edison

                �Negative results are just what I want. They�re just as valuable to me as positive results. I can never find the thing that does the job best until I find the ones that don�t.�
                ― Thomas A. Edison

                - I must be a Nutter,VC says so -


                • #23
                  Sorry for going 'off topic' - but why is your' Allotment site closing ?
                  .......because you're thinking of putting the kettle on and making a pot of tea perhaps, you old weirdo. (Veggie Chicken - 25/01/18)

                  My Youtube Channel -


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by KevinM67 View Post
                    Sorry for going 'off topic' - but why is your' Allotment site closing ?
                    The grounds are owned by our lcal education authority and not by the council and they want to do something else with the land. We don't really know... Most plots are empty, only five of us go regularly and the others don't want to fight for them...

                    We have many council and private allotments, we have no waiting lists. However, our council run allotments have no security or whatever, people often find out allotments are targeted after they have had an open day. Private allotments are dear, around �50 per calendar month.


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