Hoping for a little advice we have 3 Apple and 2 Pear trees planted by previous owner about 4 years old now I believe. I know they are Minarette trees apples are Discovery and Scrumptious and 3rd I am unsure. Pear again Minarette which are Conference and Invincible.
I have read through 'The Fruit Tree Handbook' by Ben Pike and brought new secateurs and pruning saw, I understand most of what am reading except how long the trunk should be before the first branch. I am sure that I have read most start with branches around 60-90cm except mine are as low as 30cm on all trees and its a lots of branches. Before I kill the trees from over pruning am I right in thinking to remove all below 60cm or should I leave tree down low and concentrate on higher branches? I also understand not to remove too much so maybe if I did need to remove below 60cm should I attempt this over a couple of years and take a couple off at a time.
Hoping that long message has made sense dyslexic and hubby is away so he cant check over my writing for me.
Thank you
Hoping for a little advice we have 3 Apple and 2 Pear trees planted by previous owner about 4 years old now I believe. I know they are Minarette trees apples are Discovery and Scrumptious and 3rd I am unsure. Pear again Minarette which are Conference and Invincible.
I have read through 'The Fruit Tree Handbook' by Ben Pike and brought new secateurs and pruning saw, I understand most of what am reading except how long the trunk should be before the first branch. I am sure that I have read most start with branches around 60-90cm except mine are as low as 30cm on all trees and its a lots of branches. Before I kill the trees from over pruning am I right in thinking to remove all below 60cm or should I leave tree down low and concentrate on higher branches? I also understand not to remove too much so maybe if I did need to remove below 60cm should I attempt this over a couple of years and take a couple off at a time.
Hoping that long message has made sense dyslexic and hubby is away so he cant check over my writing for me.
Thank you