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How do I winterize my grape vines?


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  • How do I winterize my grape vines?

    Hi there, I live in Ottawa Canada and we get a lot of snow and temps at 30 below celcius. I want to start a small trellis of grapes this summer. What should I do to protect them in the winter? I really don't want to cut all the tendrils and "lay them down" on the ground every year. Can I wrap them up or something? Or is there a cold resistant variety where I don't have to do anything?

  • #2

    A Polytunnel you can take the cover off during the summer and cover in winter or a very thick frost fleece.


    • #3
      -30 ?, jeez, try Cryonics .


      • #4
        get it facing south and with the hot air coming from the new prezzie down there nothing should freeze..


        • #5
          We get down as far as minus 17 �C not including wind chill. Here vines are just left in the ground as they are and then pruned in the spring.

          How do you 'winterise' other plants? What about your neighbours, what do they do?


          • #6
            You could investigate the Guyot system - but this may entail what you are not keen on.

            See: there may be Utube videos as well.

            It entails growing grapes from 2 (possibly just 1) horizontal branches and growing replacement branches (3) straight up. After fruiting, the 2 fruited branches are removed, 2 of the 3 branches are tied in to replace them for the next year and the 3rd is used to produce the replacement branches for following years.
            So each winter you would need to protect 2 or 3 branches and main stem on each plant.


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