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what do you feed your trees?


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  • what do you feed your trees?

    What do you feed your trees for growth and what do you feed them for fruit?

    I've picked up 2 bare roots from morrisons (�5 each on small rootstocks if your interested)

    I don't expect anything off them for a while but was wondering what should I give them for growth seen as they are in pots?

    Thanks guys

    P.S Decorative trees are �2 like silver birch etc
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  • #2
    I tend to mulch well having initially planted in rotted manure & compost with the soil. In the annual wood chip mulch is some more manure each spring. the surrounding soil is also well composted for veg growth so the romp away.


    • #3
      If they're in pots I use a little BFB. When they're at the flowering stage in pots they have the same as tomatoes anything high potassium,just feed all flowers & fruits at the same time. If they're fruit trees in the ground they get planted with a bit of bonemeal & have a bit of sulphate of potash in February but they get watered a couple of times between May-August with a seaweed feed or tomato feed too.
      Location : Essex


      • #4
        Mine get the occasional mulch with the chicken coop cleanings and comfrey tea during summer months.


        • #5
          Mine get ash, a scattering of BFB or 6X and are mulched with 2-3inches of rotted horse manure if they are in pots or in the ground. They seem to like it.
 - growing fruit and veg in suburbia


          • #6
            As with the others i use a manure mulch and BFB and potash once they are established and i allow them to fruit.


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