A well known and respected site has published this guide but a small part of it confuses me
It starts by saying vines should be 27"-30" apart when planted for a single Guyot system
and ends with this!
Year one
In the growing season
Train one strong shoot vertically up a cane, pinching out or rubbing off any other shoots
Pinch back any side shoots from this main shoot to one leaf
In December
Cut the main stem back to leave two strong buds around 40cm (16in) from ground level (i.e. at the level of the lowest wire) for a single Guyot and three strong buds for a double Guyot
Year two
In the growing season
Train the two or three shoots growing from the selected buds up the cane
Pinch back any side shoots back to one leaf
In December
For a double Guyot, tie down one shoot to the left and one to the right along the lowest wire
For a single Guyot, tie down one single shoot to the left or right
Cut the shoots back to 60-90cm (2-3ft)???
Cut the remaining central shoot back to two or three strong buds (two for a single Guyot, three for a double Guyot)
It appears that you plant the vines at up to 30" spacings, then you have an overlap of up to 6" from the single rod.
Any one have an answer???(stick with Radishes)
Note:- these will be grown for desert, not wine.
It starts by saying vines should be 27"-30" apart when planted for a single Guyot system
and ends with this!
Year one
In the growing season
Train one strong shoot vertically up a cane, pinching out or rubbing off any other shoots
Pinch back any side shoots from this main shoot to one leaf
In December
Cut the main stem back to leave two strong buds around 40cm (16in) from ground level (i.e. at the level of the lowest wire) for a single Guyot and three strong buds for a double Guyot
Year two
In the growing season
Train the two or three shoots growing from the selected buds up the cane
Pinch back any side shoots back to one leaf
In December
For a double Guyot, tie down one shoot to the left and one to the right along the lowest wire
For a single Guyot, tie down one single shoot to the left or right
Cut the shoots back to 60-90cm (2-3ft)???
Cut the remaining central shoot back to two or three strong buds (two for a single Guyot, three for a double Guyot)
It appears that you plant the vines at up to 30" spacings, then you have an overlap of up to 6" from the single rod.
Any one have an answer???(stick with Radishes)
Note:- these will be grown for desert, not wine.