Hi Everyone,
My wife and I have just recently purchased and moved in to our new home.
We are young with no experience in fruit and veg gardening so are begging your help.
We have inherited 3 espalier trees; one pear, one plum and one... I have no idea what the last one is but I don't think it is a fruiting tree.
They were all very overgrown and needed some serious pruning, so I got to work and did so. The photos below are after pruning, they're full of fruit but I can't help but think they're not the prettiest espaliers that I have happened upon.
If these were your trees, what would YOU do with them?
1. Nectarine - I want to train this chap.

2. Plum

3. Pear

4. Unknown...

Best Wishes,
My wife and I have just recently purchased and moved in to our new home.
We are young with no experience in fruit and veg gardening so are begging your help.
We have inherited 3 espalier trees; one pear, one plum and one... I have no idea what the last one is but I don't think it is a fruiting tree.
They were all very overgrown and needed some serious pruning, so I got to work and did so. The photos below are after pruning, they're full of fruit but I can't help but think they're not the prettiest espaliers that I have happened upon.
If these were your trees, what would YOU do with them?
1. Nectarine - I want to train this chap.
2. Plum
3. Pear
4. Unknown...
Best Wishes,