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Plant seeds from berry busches to get new varieties


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  • Plant seeds from berry busches to get new varieties

    Hi guys,

    I want to try to plant seeds from berries to get new varieties. I dont find much info on this and nothing on youtube. Anyone in here who tried? Hiw to seperate seeds? When to seperate? nyone who has links to info on the subject?

  • #2
    Depends on the type of berry to know the exact treatment that works best. The basic idea is to pick ripe or very ripe fruit and then separate the seed from the surrounding pulp - either by hand for a few or by soaking in water for some time then sieving for loads. The seeds once clean are then dried.
    If they need cold treatment they can be kept in a poly bag in the fridge - each type of seed does best under different conditions - the chances of getting anything worth growing varies enormously too, from almost zero to 90+%.


    • #3
      I have a tree/ bush that grew from a cross between a victoria plum and a greengage which sprouted in the border between the two, it has grown to about four foot tall and a lollipop shape with sweet fruits the size of a damson, a very lucky find as it could have all gone terrible, I might try an air layering off it next spring, see if I can increase the crop, but it was just luck I recognised the leaf shape as I was weeding the border..good luck with any crosses you get as it is pot luck whether you get the mix that suits you..


      • #4
        Originally posted by BUFFS View Post
        I have a tree/ bush that grew from a cross between a victoria plum and a greengage which sprouted in the border between the two, it has grown to about four foot tall and a lollipop shape with sweet fruits the size of a damson, a very lucky find as it could have all gone terrible, I might try an air layering off it next spring, see if I can increase the crop, but it was just luck I recognised the leaf shape as I was weeding the border..good luck with any crosses you get as it is pot luck whether you get the mix that suits you..
        If you do strike it lucky with a new variety, it is possible to apply for plant breeder's rights for it now (bit like a patent).


        • #5
          Hello Bolets and Nickdub and welcome to the Forum
          Bolets, when you say you want to "get new varieties" do you mean you want to cross breed 2 varieties and do you just want to grow new plants?
          A few of us grow plants from pips


          • #6
            Originally posted by veggiechicken View Post
            Hello Bolets and Nickdub and welcome to the Forum
            Bolets, when you say you want to "get new varieties" do you mean you want to cross breed 2 varieties and do you just want to grow new plants?
            A few of us grow plants from pips
            Hi VC,
            Thanks for the welcome - I've grown a fair number of trees and shrubs from seed, mostly out of interest. I've not done much of this with fruit, though I do have some apricots and a peach which I'm growing on currently from seed I saved. I don't think I'd bother raising soft-fruit this way, though no reason why it might not be interesting to try - I'm just too lazy :-)


            • #7
              One of our members, Swaine, grows a lot of soft fruit - I think he has 50+ varieties of gooseberries. As for the strawberries +++++
              He crosses berry plants - here's one of his threads
              If you look at his profile and his posts you'll find lots more!


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