I have just had delivered of two dwarf patio apple trees to be grown in containers. One is a Braeburn and the other is a Gala. At the moment the trees are a bit lanky and have suffered a little from their journey. I am letting them have a few days to recover before planting them in their containers. My question is once I have planted them how long should be left before I prune them? Can they be pruned straight away to start getting some shape to them or should they be left until they are dormant? The trees which are around 3ft tall are lanky with leaf growth mainly at the tips of the branches. How much should I prune back to start to get a half standard tree which will be eventually 4-5ft tall?
If it helps to be able to get some advice on pruning I can take some pictures and upload them. Please let me know.
If it helps to be able to get some advice on pruning I can take some pictures and upload them. Please let me know.