Just a quick suggestion to have a look at any fruit on your trees particularly plums, to see if any seem to be ripening earlier than the others. If so pick a couple of these early ones of and cut them open, 90% of the time they will have some sort of maggot inside.
Obviously of you don't find anything suspicious, leave the rest of the fruit alone, but if there is something unwanted inside it pays to pick off all the infested fruit to prevent the insects completing their life cycle and coming back again next year. If you do have to dispose of infested fruit either bin them, or cut them open and squash the maggots, in this latter option the remnants can then go on your compost heap.
Obviously of you don't find anything suspicious, leave the rest of the fruit alone, but if there is something unwanted inside it pays to pick off all the infested fruit to prevent the insects completing their life cycle and coming back again next year. If you do have to dispose of infested fruit either bin them, or cut them open and squash the maggots, in this latter option the remnants can then go on your compost heap.