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Peach Leaf Curl disease


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  • #16
    Originally posted by Jose-Albacete View Post
    My God, I'm reading this post and I can not believe what I read.
    What can't you believe?

    There are some peeps who swear by eggshells. A lot of grapes try to be as organic as possible.


    • #17
      Dimethoate is "highly toxic to birds and honeybees" and others. That's enough for me not to use it on my peach trees.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Norfolkgrey View Post
        What can't you believe?

        There are some peeps who swear by eggshells. A lot of grapes try to be as organic as possible.

        Sadly I've failed the 100% organic man test - I wear glasses, have a couple of tooth implants and some metal fillings - still I do still have my own hair, albeit a different colour from when I was younger.


        • #19
          Originally posted by nickdub View Post
          Sadly I've failed the 100% organic man test - I wear glasses, have a couple of tooth implants and some metal fillings - still I do still have my own hair, albeit a different colour from when I was younger.
          I have to admit I actually hate the term 'organic' and I don't have an organic life . It is just easier than saying I try to be gentle on the garden and guide things rather than force, smoother and god knows what


          • #20
            I think "organic" has been a bit over-used - still it sums up some good attitudes and ways of trying to interact more sustainably with nature, better than any other single word can.


            • #21
              Do not be fussy.
              Paraffin oil, and copper oxychloride, are products approved by the European Union for ecological agriculture.
              As for the "chemical" insecticide, such as Dimethoate which has ovicidal properties, it is used in winter with the leafless trees and there are no insects (especially bees), but for the ecologists " more pure " , you can substitute the chemical insecticide, by an ecological insecticide, such as Neem oil, which also has ovicidal properties.
              The idea with the winter treatment is to avoid future problems of cryptogamic diseases (caused by fungi) , and eliminate the eggs deposited by aphids and other pests , in the most ecological way possible , since we are going to eat our fruit.

              If we do not do the winter preventive treatment, two things can happen

              1�- That we do not do anything, we lose the harvest and our fruit trees are always sick

              2 .- That we use chemical fungicides in the vegetative period "the only ones that give good results are those I have cited, and are not ecological," is more Captan is very carcinogenic and will soon be banned in the European Union.

              I sincerely prefer to do the ecological treatment in winter , but everyone is free to do whatever I want.

              Best regards


              • #22
                Peach Leaf Curl disease

                Having read your post what is it you can�t believe? I would be interested to know. Is it that you are surprised that no one else wants to polish-off birds, bees and insects using highly toxic chemicals when other organic options are available? Heaven knows our bird, bee and insect populations are already in decline without helping them on their way to extinction using nasty toxic chemicals. I spent 20 years in a job trying to preserve human life and not always being successful. So being someone who thinks about life preservation I get a great deal of satisfaction welcoming and encouraging the birds, bees and insects to my garden and any wild life that happens to be passing by. So I�m not going to start using chemicals now.

                Thank you for taking the time to give your advice but I won�t be going down that road!

                Best regards,



                • #23
                  Jose, I'm not sure where you live, but here in the UK copper fungicides are no longer available for use by home gardeners. The usual advice to prevent leaf curl is to cover trees in the winter and early spring.
                  Last edited by TrixC; 12-08-2017, 03:50 PM.


                  • #24
                    I'm not perfect either. I also wear glasses, have metal in my teeth and oh by the way I also wear leather shoes. All I am saying is let�s just do a little bit for our environment however small that may be.

                    I appreciate what Jose is saying that using the chemicals in winter is not detrimental to insects but we still have birds in winter that often roost in these trees. What is it doing to them I wonder?

                    Best regards,



                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Artisan View Post
                      I appreciate what Jose is saying that using the chemicals in winter is not detrimental to insects but we still have birds in winter that often roost in these trees. What is it doing to them I wonder?
                      Not forgetting........insects have to live somewhere in winter

                      If my home was sprayed with chemical warfare when I was nice and sleepy and cosy,but survived it. I would definitely seek revenge!

                      Edit: I know it is a little different for home growers that can accept one bumper crop of one thing and loss of something else compared to a business that relies more on guaranteed crops.
                      Last edited by Norfolkgrey; 12-08-2017, 06:12 PM.


                      • #26
                        Hi Artisan and others friends ,

                        TrixC I am sorry to disagree, but copper oxychloride is allowed in England for gardening.

                        You can see it here

                        Fungicides – Gardening Tips and Advice – Oak Leaf Gardening

                        And buy it here


                        Artisan , This is not a contest to see who is more ecologist, it is a real solution for people who have this problem in their familial orchards, and year after year suffer the problem of this disease.
                        So the solution that I expose, is the most ecological and respectful with of beneficial insects, animals in the environment, our fruit trees and our flora, and our soils

                        let's take a closer look at the post.
                        The post is about how to solve the problem of the leaft curl .

                        I do not pretend to be the "ready of the school" and less being new in this forum, but I have a very extensive fruit orchard, very close friendship relations with the technicians of the agricultural research centers in Spain and many years of experience in the cultivation of fruit trees for familial consumption.

                        My intention is to offer a solution to the members of this forum to the problem , a solution the most ecological possible to a serious problem such as leaft curl, with substances approved by law by the European Union for ecological agriculture, and which are treatments carried out in professional plantations and home gardens of Spain year after year demonstrating its Effectiveness.

                        EUR-Lex - 32014R0354 - EN - EUR-Lex

                        The winter treatment, I have not invented it, is a process that has been going on for more than 100 years (as an example the Bordeaux mixure, used in French vineyards since 1880 , and to this day).

                        The goal of winter treatment is to prevent fungal attacks, as well as pests.
                        At the time of treatment, it is not harmful to beneficial insects (eg bees, or other insects).

                        Recommended products are:

                        - Copper oxychloride
                        - Paraffin Oil
                        - Neem oil (optional)

                        During the application of the treatments, the trees are in a period of winter rest and at this time there is no insect activity in the trees (except eggs deposited by aphids and other bad pests), which will be eliminated by the action of the oil Of paraffin by asphyxiation, not by toxicity (Neem oil, which is an ecological insecticide, is optional in these treatments, but has ovicidal properties so it is advisable, but I insist it is "OPTIONAL").

                        I do not want to impose anything, I just try to report on a real and easy solution to this problem.

                        As I said I have extensive experience, if it were not so I could not show my fruit orchard.

                        Left plot of my stone fruit orchard

                        Click image for larger version

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                        Right plot of my stone fruit orchard

                        Click image for larger version

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                        In the two plots there are about 450 stone fruit trees , and Look how healthy they are, these flat peaches trees

                        Click image for larger version

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                        Click image for larger version

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ID:	2374414

                        Tomorrow I will be photographing some of the stone fruit of my harvest, which since its flowering have had no treatment of any kind (only the winter treatment was carried out with absolutely ecological products)

                        Best regards


                        • #27
                          Ola Jose
                          Here is a list of Withdrawn Chemicals compiled by the RHS (Royal Horticultural Society)

                          This is the entry for Copper oxychloride, which should not be used after 30.11.15:-

                          Active ingredient Copper oxychloride
                          Brand name(s) Bayer Garden Fruit and Vegetable Disease Control
                          Main use For the control of celery leaf spot, peach leaf curl, potato blight, tomato blight, apple and pear canker, bacterial canker of plums and cherries, rust on currants and gooseberries, cane spot on raspberries and loganberries. Prevents damping-off and foot rot of seedlings of edible and ornamental garden plants.
                          Last date of use 30.11.15

                          Bordeaux mixture was also withdrawn from use on that date.

                          I don't need to use any chemicals as my 8 peach and nectarine trees are grown permanently under cover and peach leaf curl is not a problem. I appreciate that 8 trees is a drop in the ocean compared to your orchards! To the best of my knowledge there are no peach orchards in the UK - our weather would have to be a little warmer for that.
                          I find it difficult to imagine growing so many fruit trees, probably as difficult as you find growing a mere 8


                          • #28
                            Veggiechicken, what mishap.
                            I thought that all the countries of the European Union, had the same guidelines on the subject of phytosanitary products, but I see that it is not so, and there are restrictions in the UK for the use of copper oxychloride.


                            Pufffffffff, because if you can not use not even copper, I think that the farmers of the United Kingdom will have to solve the problems of diseases and plagues telling jokes to the fruit trees.

                            Guys, I really appreciate your attention, and my intention was good (to try to help), but whit the legislation I can not do anything.
                            little I can say , so you can only use the "grandmother's remedies", potassium soap as an insecticide, and to combat peach leaft curl , you can only do one thing, which is to choose the varieties that are more resistant to this disease.

                            Again I thank you for your attention, and unfortunately I give for close the subject.

                            Best regards
                            Last edited by Jose-Albacete; 13-08-2017, 03:32 AM.


                            • #29
                              Peach Leaf Curl disease

                              Hello Jose. I am certainly not in a �contest to see who is more ecologist� as you have said. I think your interpretation and transcript of the writing English language is not helping. I like the pictures of your fruit trees. If only I had the land to grow what you are growing I would be a happy person. My original question about Peach Leaf Curl was concerning one Dwarf Apricot tree which is growing in a container on my patio not an orchard full!

                              Anyway, thank you for your advice. I am sure it was meant for all the right reasons. I hope the remainder of your summer is good as I am sure it will be and I hope you have a good harvest of fruit from your trees.

                              Best regards.

                              Best regards,



                              • #30
                                Jose...Have you read this patent....,


                                it is a scientific fact that oregano or thyme oil containing what is thought to be the worlds most powerful antibacterial and anti fungal chemical ( Calvacrol )

                                it is not an old method , and it not only works but is the ONLY way to cure leaf curl once a tree is infected

                                Safer, classed as natural and works better....unusual ...but obviously the best choice.
                                Last edited by starloc; 13-08-2017, 08:31 PM.
                                Living off grid and growing my own food in Bulgaria.....


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