Hello again Artisan, normally I have little time to participate in forums, and many times the Google translator does not do very good translations.
My advice was intended for people who have large orchards.
The fruit trees in container, are easy to care because they can be put indoors in winter, but they have the drawback that they must be grafted on dwarfing rootstocks.
Artisan , what is your apricot variety? , I ask you why most of the apricot varieties are not autofertile and you may have problems with the pollinating.
I have already finished my summer vacation (it has been all the month of July), normally I go in summer to the Mediterranean coast to sail my boat and enjoy fishing in the sea, but this year my oldest daughter begins her university studies And we have been visiting faculties of several cities, renting floor, buying the necessary furniture, etc ...... (the children are the first).
But I have enjoyed a good summer vacation.
Do not worry about my harvest, this year is tremendously abundant (all my neighbors, my family and friends have their fridges full of fruit ).
If you liked the photos of my fruit trees, I think these photos are also going to like.
Some photos of my fruit :
Peach Pavia type variety Jalon

Flat Peach Galaxy

Flat Peach ASF-0795

I continue in another post (I can only post 5 photos per post)
My advice was intended for people who have large orchards.
The fruit trees in container, are easy to care because they can be put indoors in winter, but they have the drawback that they must be grafted on dwarfing rootstocks.
Artisan , what is your apricot variety? , I ask you why most of the apricot varieties are not autofertile and you may have problems with the pollinating.
I have already finished my summer vacation (it has been all the month of July), normally I go in summer to the Mediterranean coast to sail my boat and enjoy fishing in the sea, but this year my oldest daughter begins her university studies And we have been visiting faculties of several cities, renting floor, buying the necessary furniture, etc ...... (the children are the first).
But I have enjoyed a good summer vacation.
Do not worry about my harvest, this year is tremendously abundant (all my neighbors, my family and friends have their fridges full of fruit ).
If you liked the photos of my fruit trees, I think these photos are also going to like.
Some photos of my fruit :
Peach Pavia type variety Jalon
Flat Peach Galaxy
Flat Peach ASF-0795
I continue in another post (I can only post 5 photos per post)