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Espalier Pear - Please Identify Problem


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  • Espalier Pear - Please Identify Problem

    Hi there, I have a Conference Pear tree that I am Espalier ing. Bought last year and coming on well, or so I thought. Please see below photos. The leaves are going yellow and look like they are dying off. Soil is mix of homemade compost and top soil. Can sometimes get a bit dry but we tend to water well anyway.

    Maybe it's normal but help much appreciated. I would like to give the growth a bit of a boost. I have both homemade Weed Tea and Manure Tea. Could any of those help at all?

    Kind Regards........Rob

    Click image for larger version

Name:	003E72A6-3A4D-4681-A032-867828C84DF5.JPG
Views:	2
Size:	39.0 KB
ID:	2405265
    Click image for larger version

Name:	D9AD33B1-BF44-421A-9EF1-DBDF9413D1F3.JPG
Views:	1
Size:	37.3 KB
ID:	2405266

  • #2
    It is probably the photo but they don't seem very yellow. It looks like dark leaves for older shoots and light ones for more recent growth. I wouldn't worry to much about leaves yellowing at this time of year as they are past their pretty peak anyway.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Norfolkgrey View Post
      It is probably the photo but they don't seem very yellow. It looks like dark leaves for older shoots and light ones for more recent growth. I wouldn't worry to much about leaves yellowing at this time of year as they are past their pretty peak anyway.
      Yes, sorry, it's a failing on the forum as you can only upload small file sizes which most of the time renders the image blurred and useless.

      Thanks Norfolk, hope fully your right on the leaves. I will monitor anyway but do you think I should boost them with some feed at all?

      Kind Regards............Rob


      • #4
        Not at this time of year. Leave it till winter or spring, otherwise you run the risk of encouraging growth now that is not likely to be much cop going into winter and it is just wasted energy on the trees part.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Norfolkgrey View Post
          Not at this time of year. Leave it till winter or spring, otherwise you run the risk of encouraging growth now that is not likely to be much cop going into winter and it is just wasted energy on the trees part.
          Thanks NG



          • #6
            Originally posted by Dynamite View Post
            Yes, sorry, it's a failing on the forum as you can only upload small file sizes which most of the time renders the image blurred and useless.
            Glad to see you've overcome the "failing on the forum"

            You could repost your small images if you want!


            • #7
              Originally posted by veggiechicken View Post
              Glad to see you've overcome the "failing on the forum"

              You could repost your small images if you want!
              Hi VC, crikey that's a bit strong. Sincere apologies, it wasn't meant to offend. I can honestly assure you I'm not lying as you imply, I've got better things to do than complain about something that doesn't exist. I think you mean that my photo on the above link is not too bad quality and that I've overcome the problem. If so, I haven't actually, it still seems to be pot luck wether a photo uploads or not. I think it's the file size. A couple of recent posts suggest I'm not the only one with the issue. I have tried looking just now but can't find anywhere that says what the file size limit is. I remember it used to say somewhere but sorry, can't find it right now. If you could let me know, I will try and find a piece of software or app that can reduce it to the limit allowed. Sorry again....

              Kind Regards.......Rob


              • #8
                I'm not criticising you Rob! Just pleased to see that you've found a way to post larger images and suggesting that you could repost the ones that were a bit too small so that we can see what your leaf problem may be.
                This may be the post you remember


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