I'm new here and in the garden and had a couple of questions if anyone has a moment spare.
I've done a decent job in the past at keeping house plants alive and have recently started fix up a long overdue garden. I have a spare space in the garden and was hoping I could get a few fruit trees in that spot.
My garden is east facing with the plot having a fence along its south side and one close to it's easy side (I think).
The spot is around 8ft by 3.5ft. I'm not sure how to know how good the soil is but it's soft and there's likely some rubble a feet or so down like the rest of the garden was. It doesn't get waterlogged and the grass grows vigorously there. I'm in the North West so winter temps get to around 5c min normally. I have no green house and want to plant them in the ground so won't be moving them over winter.
So, with the background out of the way, my questions were...
Is that an okay spot for some small fruit trees? I'll keep them well pruned, and don't really need them to produce lots of fruit.
What would be the best thing to do with the soil to give them a good start?
Some of the fruits I was confusing were Fiesta Apple, conference pear, Eureka lemon and perhaps, if space etc permits peach, lime and mandarin. I believe they are all self pollinating.
Phew, long post. Hopefully you haven't fell asleep. I'll probably have more questions but they'll do for now
I'm new here and in the garden and had a couple of questions if anyone has a moment spare.
I've done a decent job in the past at keeping house plants alive and have recently started fix up a long overdue garden. I have a spare space in the garden and was hoping I could get a few fruit trees in that spot.
My garden is east facing with the plot having a fence along its south side and one close to it's easy side (I think).
The spot is around 8ft by 3.5ft. I'm not sure how to know how good the soil is but it's soft and there's likely some rubble a feet or so down like the rest of the garden was. It doesn't get waterlogged and the grass grows vigorously there. I'm in the North West so winter temps get to around 5c min normally. I have no green house and want to plant them in the ground so won't be moving them over winter.
So, with the background out of the way, my questions were...
Is that an okay spot for some small fruit trees? I'll keep them well pruned, and don't really need them to produce lots of fruit.
What would be the best thing to do with the soil to give them a good start?
Some of the fruits I was confusing were Fiesta Apple, conference pear, Eureka lemon and perhaps, if space etc permits peach, lime and mandarin. I believe they are all self pollinating.
Phew, long post. Hopefully you haven't fell asleep. I'll probably have more questions but they'll do for now