Hi all
The strawberry plants that I inherited with my plot 2 years ago are looking a bit old now, so I'm going to start again using runners from them.
I have a few questions though if anyone can help:
Can I use more than one new plant from each runner, or will they start to get too weak two or three down the runner, if you know what I mean ?
Am I too late in the season for this year ?
Can I use runners from old plants or do they need to be fairly young ?
Thanks !
The strawberry plants that I inherited with my plot 2 years ago are looking a bit old now, so I'm going to start again using runners from them.
I have a few questions though if anyone can help:
Can I use more than one new plant from each runner, or will they start to get too weak two or three down the runner, if you know what I mean ?
Am I too late in the season for this year ?
Can I use runners from old plants or do they need to be fairly young ?
Thanks !