I was wandering round a store yesterday in Hereford and came across some £2 soft fruit bushes in boxes. Having has a peek to make sure it was still alive, I bought a Blackcurrant 'Ojebyn" . I planted it this morning, quite a strong little bush. As usual I watered it first then unwrapped the plastic from round the roots. All looked well, with some new fine white hair like growth being a good sign. I went to plant it and spread the roots a little when I realised they had been doubled back on themselves to get them to fit in the packing. I'm sure they would have grown if I'd just bunged it in as was but straightening out the roots will have given it a better chance to grow away well the first year.
So a quick warning to anyone buying fruit packed like this, ie the root ball wrapped in polythene and strung round with a rubber band - have a GOOD look at the roots before planting.
So a quick warning to anyone buying fruit packed like this, ie the root ball wrapped in polythene and strung round with a rubber band - have a GOOD look at the roots before planting.