Hi guys. I recently ordered blueberries Bluecrop and Earliblue (having decided I actually didn't need any new clothes right now, and would much rather spend some pocket money on blueberries and 5 Joan J raspberry canes....). I'd like to plant them in one of those big, round flexible garden tub/trugs that's developed a sizeable hole in its fundament. It's a big one, over 2 feet across at the top.
I know I'm going to need ericaceous compost, but I'm not sure how else to prepare the tub. Is it a reasonable idea to plant one up? Will I need to punch more holes in the bottom? Or is one biggish one and a layer of crocks going to be okay? I read one article that suggested blueberries like to be moist, which won't be a problem here, but another one suggested they like to be in well-drained soil....
Basically, does this sound like a doable idea, and what else do I need to think about? All tips welcome!
Thank you!
I know I'm going to need ericaceous compost, but I'm not sure how else to prepare the tub. Is it a reasonable idea to plant one up? Will I need to punch more holes in the bottom? Or is one biggish one and a layer of crocks going to be okay? I read one article that suggested blueberries like to be moist, which won't be a problem here, but another one suggested they like to be in well-drained soil....
Basically, does this sound like a doable idea, and what else do I need to think about? All tips welcome!
