Last year, at some point in spring, we were in one of the cheap pound shops and I saw they were selling blueberry plants. I had only been in the UK for about 8-9 months at that point. You could say I was a bit naive. I thought to myself, 'Oooo, a blueberry plant for just a pound! I must 'ave it!'.
I picked out one that seemed the bushiest and greenest, and got it home. When I opened the packaging, I realised they had taken twigs and stuck them in mud. The reason why mine seemed bushier was because it was 3 twigs stuck in mud, instead of just 1.
'Oh, well...', I thought, 'At least I only wasted a pound on it.'
Because the twigs had *some* roots growing (I imagine someone tried to root them, saw a couple of fibres coming out and decided that was it), I put them in a 9cm pot with some soil. I don't think I even bothered getting ericaceous compost for them.
Two of the twigs dried out and died, but one remained green. No foliage, but the stem was green. I hate to throw away anything that looks alive, so I kept it. Even wrapped that little pot in bubble wrap come winter, purely because I was doing it to the other plants.
A couple of weeks ago, I saw it had some tiny buds. 'We've got ourselves a little fighter', I thought to meself.
Today, I looked at it again... It has 2-3 flowers growing!
The frikking thing doesn't have any leaves to speak of but one blooming flower. I can't stop laughing!

Last year, at some point in spring, we were in one of the cheap pound shops and I saw they were selling blueberry plants. I had only been in the UK for about 8-9 months at that point. You could say I was a bit naive. I thought to myself, 'Oooo, a blueberry plant for just a pound! I must 'ave it!'.
I picked out one that seemed the bushiest and greenest, and got it home. When I opened the packaging, I realised they had taken twigs and stuck them in mud. The reason why mine seemed bushier was because it was 3 twigs stuck in mud, instead of just 1.
'Oh, well...', I thought, 'At least I only wasted a pound on it.'
Because the twigs had *some* roots growing (I imagine someone tried to root them, saw a couple of fibres coming out and decided that was it), I put them in a 9cm pot with some soil. I don't think I even bothered getting ericaceous compost for them.
Two of the twigs dried out and died, but one remained green. No foliage, but the stem was green. I hate to throw away anything that looks alive, so I kept it. Even wrapped that little pot in bubble wrap come winter, purely because I was doing it to the other plants.
A couple of weeks ago, I saw it had some tiny buds. 'We've got ourselves a little fighter', I thought to meself.
Today, I looked at it again... It has 2-3 flowers growing!
