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  • #46
    Originally posted by boatsman View Post
    Don't even think about eating a quince raw. It seems to dry up your mouth. However it makes lovely pink jam or it can be cooked in water and eaten as a dessert.
    Apparently they can be eaten raw in hotter countries but the UK is supposedly not hot enough for them to fully ripen.


    • #47
      Boatsman lives in Israel - its a bit hotter than the UK!


      • #48
        Originally posted by veggiechicken View Post
        Boatsman lives in Israel - its a bit hotter than the UK!
        Lol my bad, must have missed that.


        • #49
          And the little ones show up


          • #50
            Originally posted by Fruitz View Post
            Apparently they can be eaten raw in hotter countries but the UK is supposedly not hot enough for them to fully ripen.
            I think whether they can be eaten raw is also down to the variety. Like apples some are more acidic and suitable only for cooking, while others are sweeter. Although with quinces even the sweet ones are better cooked. I live in an area with a big Turkish community and it�s easy to buy quinces in the shops, I�ve found some of the Turkish varieties are quite palatable raw. I prefer to poach them slowly in the oven.


            • #51
              I eat the produce of my tree raw, just take it inside to get it ripen and it is quite tasty and juicy like the ones I had in Turkey. Quince jam and cooked quince desert with cream are some of the best things in life.


              • #52
                I think I have rot on the leaves of my quince tree. Is there a cure for it? I am clearing the ones I can see in the hope of stopping it to spread.
                What do you think?


                • #53
                  I have it on my quince too.
                  Think it may be Quince leaf blight


                  • #54
                    I would think that was quince blight, except that it is usually associated with damp - we get it in Devon but it should be less of a problem in Kent! Not fatal



                    • #55
                      Originally posted by Selymbria View Post
                      I think I have rot on the leaves of my quince tree. Is there a cure for it? I am clearing the ones I can see in the hope of stopping it to spread.
                      What do you think?
                      Looks like quince tree leaf rust to me - plenty of info out there if you google it.


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by nickdub View Post
                        Looks like quince tree leaf rust to me - plenty of info out there if you google it.
                        I think they are the same thing?

                        Just been looking at pear trees at a local nursery and noted that the quinces on offer (Vranja, I think) were blighted/rusted on every leaf but a Quince A which had been allowed to sprout on a pear rootstock was absolutely pristine. A blight-resistant quince would be worth having down here.


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by devonuk View Post
                          I think they are the same thing?

                          Just been looking at pear trees at a local nursery and noted that the quinces on offer (Vranja, I think) were blighted/rusted on every leaf but a Quince A which had been allowed to sprout on a pear rootstock was absolutely pristine. A blight-resistant quince would be worth having down here.
                          Not too sure if rust and blight are the same - just going by what I know it as.


                          • #58
                            I collected the most rusty leaves and coupled with no rain in the last 9 weeks, it seems the rust is under control. I got bug attack though, they are at the tips of the new shoots and ants seem to farm them. I see these little green-black bugs a lot this year, they started in my cherry tree and spread. I think I need do a thorough tree wash this winter


                            • #59
                              If its not too high get a jet from a hosepipe trained on the underside of the leaves and wash them off - I expect its aphids, nothing too serious but a nuisance.


                              • #60
                                I sprayed some ant killer white dust at the root of the tree. That stopped the ants climbing up and farming these aphids. Now I have much less aphids and I leave them alone.


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