Needs some help and advice please, firstly , I think I have a full on black fly infestation , curled sticky leaves, cover in black mites, lots of ladybirds around too (no ants anywhere, seems that’s a point lots bring up) what to do , will it wreck the tree, this is the first decent fruiting year since I planted 2 and half years ago , if I leave it will it survive
R do I need to treat it somehow, bit of a shame as I grew it in the hope that the kids would just pick the cherries off and eat them . Second point , most of the Cherries on it have grown near the trunk or at the start of the branches almost none at the end of the branches which I was surprised at , do I cut the tree back at any point or do something to promote its growth, I left and supported half a dozen very low branches but not sure i should keep them on, it’s about 10 feet tall now have pictures if anyone can help thanks
R do I need to treat it somehow, bit of a shame as I grew it in the hope that the kids would just pick the cherries off and eat them . Second point , most of the Cherries on it have grown near the trunk or at the start of the branches almost none at the end of the branches which I was surprised at , do I cut the tree back at any point or do something to promote its growth, I left and supported half a dozen very low branches but not sure i should keep them on, it’s about 10 feet tall now have pictures if anyone can help thanks