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Grapes drying up


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  • #31
    Hi Linden,
    I have not heard of Topas. What does it protect against? Make sure you protect yourself especially wear a mask.
    I am growing Bacchus, Orion, Phoenix and Reichensteiner. Based on global warming perhaps I should have planted some Cabernet.



    • #32
      Hi Jane,
      I would also like to know what variety you have that is not susceptible to any of the huge number of vine problems. And could I have a cutting?



      • #33
        From looking at the photos it just looks like a water problem. Talking about powdery mildew,I haven�t had fungal issues on my grape,but I�ve had it on overcrowded cucumbers,I used some milk,I wouldn�t spray chemicals because of all the wildlife here. Garlics supposed to be a good anti fungal too. My nephew got a rash on his neck from using some weed killer the other day,he was wearing a hoody,a bit sprayed on his face & he wiped it off but a bit must�ve got on his neck. Imagine everything getting killed with that. I know you�re not spraying weed killer on them but there�s other less harmful ways of protection that should be discussed. Sorry I don�t know the name of my variety I bought it years ago but here�s photos,front view & side view-

        Click image for larger version

Name:	6AED14C6-855B-47F7-A070-C70CEC6EB717.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	161.8 KB
ID:	2379356 Click image for larger version

Name:	86A75D46-7F90-46C3-A483-010B3807324D.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	112.9 KB
ID:	2379357
        Location : Essex


        • #34
          Sodium Bicarbonate (Bicarbonate of Soda, baking SODA) or potassium bicarbonate are also said to be effective fungicide with the later said to be able to cure and the former more of a preventative.

          Bordeaux Mixture is traditionally used as a fungicide although, according to legend, it was developed to deal with another pest altogether.

          New all singing all dancing blog - Jasons Jungle

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          ― Thomas A. Edison

          �Negative results are just what I want. They�re just as valuable to me as positive results. I can never find the thing that does the job best until I find the ones that don�t.�
          ― Thomas A. Edison

          - I must be a Nutter,VC says so -


          • #35
            Topas e10 is by syngenta and is for protection against powdery mildew


            • #36
              There have been some successes with both bicarbonates but because commercial growers have very effective chemical preventatives, virtually no research has been carried out as to their proper use. Tests have been carried out on milk sprays which have established some success. The main problem seems to be that spraying has to be carried out in bright sunshine. This can be a problem in the U K. I had a mildew infection last year which I sprayed with milk with no success. I have insects including ladybirds crawling all over my vines which have been sprayed with antifungals. One thing not to spray with is Bordeaux Mixture which is based on copper which builds up in the soil killing the worms and other beneficial soil organisms. On the horizon are biological controls using a non-damaging fungus which kills mildew. Give it fifty years and it may be available to gardeners.



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