There have been previous posts regarding grapevines so please bear with me. No matter how much I read on the subject I get confused. Can someone please respond in very simple language what I should do now with my vine and what I should do in the future.
It�s a free standing vine about high waist height. It has one small bunch of little flowers/grapes. Leaders from the vine are sprawling out -about 14 of them and some are over a metre long. Although the vine is close to a shed side in a warm sheltered sunny position - the vine is free standing. I just need straightforward advice. For example should I remove some leaves to let the full sun on the young bunch of grapes. Should I remove some of the sprawling leaders now. Obviously I know nothing about this subject so please simple instructions for now and the future. Thank you.
It�s a free standing vine about high waist height. It has one small bunch of little flowers/grapes. Leaders from the vine are sprawling out -about 14 of them and some are over a metre long. Although the vine is close to a shed side in a warm sheltered sunny position - the vine is free standing. I just need straightforward advice. For example should I remove some leaves to let the full sun on the young bunch of grapes. Should I remove some of the sprawling leaders now. Obviously I know nothing about this subject so please simple instructions for now and the future. Thank you.