New raspberry grower here hoping for some advice about my (possibly not) autumn raspberries
I planted some raspberry canes a couple of years ago which I thought were autumn fruiting (possibly joan j or polka). I forgot about them till this year when I discovered they'd multiplied into a huge patch with lots of last years canes and new canes.
I left all of last years canes to fruit thinking I might be able to double crop them. I got an OK crop from those but I've had no flowers on the new canes. Is it possible that they aren't fruiting on the new canes because they put too much energy into the earlier crop? Or do you think I might have to accept that my autumn raspberries aren't autumn raspberries after all?

I planted some raspberry canes a couple of years ago which I thought were autumn fruiting (possibly joan j or polka). I forgot about them till this year when I discovered they'd multiplied into a huge patch with lots of last years canes and new canes.
I left all of last years canes to fruit thinking I might be able to double crop them. I got an OK crop from those but I've had no flowers on the new canes. Is it possible that they aren't fruiting on the new canes because they put too much energy into the earlier crop? Or do you think I might have to accept that my autumn raspberries aren't autumn raspberries after all?