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Local Horticultural Show - Sheffield


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  • Local Horticultural Show - Sheffield

    Afternoon all, for the last few years I�ve held the position as the Horticultural Show Secretary for Wisewood Horticultural Society based in Sheffield (S6)

    I know the number of allotment/ horticultural shows have decreased over the years and i�m doing everything I can to keep ours going.

    This is where you guys come in..... if any of you live in Sheffield or know anybody in Sheffield that grows fruit, veg, bakes cakes, makes preserves or has a passion for crafts then please send me a message and i�ll send you over a schedule.

    Our show is held in August and It would be great to see our hall full of exhibits this year. So come on, what are you waiting for - send me a PM

  • #2
    Hi, where is Wisewood? I lived in Sheffield many years ago (Hillsborough) My sister and I both put entries into Penistone show. We both live in West Yorkshire now and are very competitive, particularly against each other. Do we have to live in Sheffield to enter items in the show?


    • #3
      Hi Greenishfing, you were closer to Wisewood than you realised. We are located at the top of Ben lane just up the road from Hillsboroughsee attached photo of a map and the arrow pointing to our entrance.

      We are tucked away so not many people realise we are here. However i’ve twisted the committees arms and bought a new sign to make us more present in the community. We open every Sunday and sell garden sundries compost and fertiliser at discounted rates, all we ask for is �2 membership per year. However if you just want to enter into the show membership isn’t required. Sorry to waffle on - let me know if you need to know anything else or if you’d like send me a message with your email address and i’ll send over a schedule.

      We do state in our rules that we are a local show for local people, so i’m not sure if you and your sister could enter exhibits. I’m more than happy to bring this up with the committee though if you’d like?
      Click image for larger version

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ID:	2384059
      Last edited by Matt94; 11-06-2019, 06:15 PM.


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