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GYO's Tumbling Toms


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  • #16
    I don't have a chart as such, just a wee notebook with date of sowing, date of germination (approx), % germination and date of planting out,date of harvesting with comments on variety, yield etc though I frequently have to refer to my plant labels as I'm not very good at keeping it up to date - maybe a chart located in the greenhouse would be a better idea, then I'd have no excuses..

    British by birth
    Scottish by the Grace of God


    • #17
      That's a great photo of a tomato!! Love the 'hair' detail. Mine are about 10" tall with flower buds but none open yet unfortunatly.
      That chart idea is fantastic. All i've got is a word doc with some rough notes on each plant. (Very unlike me not to take it to the extreme.) Oh well, there's always next year.


      • #18
        Originally posted by andrewo
        Give them a feed of tomato feed. They will slow down, the weather has slowed down.
        Cheers Andrewo, thought tomato feed should only be used when fruiting, so thanks for thatm I'll feed them this weekend if I don't get a chance before

        "There are only two lasting bequests we can hope to give our children; one of these is roots, the other wings" - Hodding Carter


        • #19
          Keep it weak though compared to when they are in fruit, it's just to make sure the soil their in has some nutrients.
          Best wishes
          Harbinger of Rhubarb tales


          • #20
            GYO Tumbling Toms

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            That's my GYO Tumbling Toms up into fruit. (That's my husbands hand holding them up to be admired. Thank goodness it's clean !) They're growing on a south facing terrace and I think doing very well. I took a tip from L J and gave them a bit of plastic netting on a frame to lean on. How is every body elses getting on ? Anybody got any red ones yet ? Anybody got any pics?

            From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.


            • #21
              Hi everyone! Has anyone tried growing 'Gardeners Delight' as a semi-tumbler? The packet says they can be grown this way and left to get on with it as an alternative to staking and nipping out side shoots. Has anyone tried this method? Is it any good?

              Dwell simply ~ love richly


              • #22
                The first tomatoes I grew ages ago were grdeners delight and at that time I had no idea about pinching out sideshoots and just let them grow and get on with it. They did really really well and I got tons of tomatoes - the tastiest I've ever eaten. This year I've actually got time to spend in the garden [freelancing is sucha wonderous thing!] and I've got a few varieties on the go and I'm sure I'm going to have a bumper crop off each of them. I'm trying:

                1 italian variety donated by a neighbour
                1 lebanese variety donated by a neighbour


                • #23
                  Gartenperle are brill.Usually loads of tasty cherry toms.I now grow these every year for all the family as we prefer them to any other I've grown. Also growing a few Garden pearl I had free, this year so waiting to see what they are like.


                  • #24
                    I'm not sure now what I've planted where... oops. I have heritage toms this year and they seem recently to have bulked up their stems nicely and put on tonnes of leaf growth. Two have the startings of buds, so I'm quite a way behind, but still excited!

                    Oh and my two types of squash, butternut and kobocha (cheers Anne) are nicely starting to romp away. This year I MUST be brutal and not let them take over the garden

                    "There are only two lasting bequests we can hope to give our children; one of these is roots, the other wings" - Hodding Carter


                    • #25
                      Garden pearl are indeed fab. I did them in hanging baskets last year and they were much later in getting blight than the other varieties out in pots round the garden. Don't know if that's the variety or because they're high up, away from nasty splashy spores?

                      Anyway, still got it eventually, but lasted out for ages. I shall be putting them out on Monday and have two extra baskets this year! Everything else (moneymakers, gardeners' delight, red alert and some italian beefsteak I've forgotten the name of again) into big pots to take their chances with the blight.

                      mmmm tomatoes.


                      • #26
                        I sowed my Gartenperle 3 weeks ago and am just at the 6/7 leaf stage. WAy way behind everyone else!
                        Aerodynamically the bumblebee shouldn't be able to fly, but the bumblebee doesn't know that so it goes on flying anyway.
                        ~ Mary Kay Ash


                        • #27
                          Don't worry Jennie, I'm at the same stage!

                          Dwell simply ~ love richly


                          • #28
                            Na na na na naaa - I'm a whole three leaves in front of you

                            British by birth
                            Scottish by the Grace of God



                            • #29
                              LOL Aye, but you're a sooth moother!!

                              Hey, it's all relative...

                              Dwell simply ~ love richly


                              • #30
                                Me the soft southerner has about 20 leaves on my biggest (and no the smell of tomato plant on my hands and I've just moved the leaves around to plant )

                                "There are only two lasting bequests we can hope to give our children; one of these is roots, the other wings" - Hodding Carter


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