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Successes & failures so far this year


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  • Successes & failures so far this year

    I thought it would be kind of fun if we kept a diary of what we've done well and not so well with this year?

    I'll start:
    French beans Filao - dwarf variety, dead easy, loads of beans
    Early spuds Vales Emerald - lovely creamy flavour, beautiful!
    broccoli - delicious till the caterpillars got it
    carrots Nantes - tiny because I sowed too thickly, but really sweet
    strawbs - gorgeous straight from the plant
    cut and come again salad - easy peasy and tasty
    late spuds Desiree - good flavour, good size despite drought conditions
    rocket - first batch fab

    spinach - doesnt like me, sulks then produces 2 leaves and then runs to seed
    broccoli - see above
    rocket - second batch not happy in hot weather I think

    verdict awaited:
    sweetcorn - looks great
    tomatoes Buffalo and Alicante - looking good but worried about some splitting and one with a black bottom
    courgettes - eaten about 4, but havent had quite enough for a meal at once yet

  • #2
    So far mine looks like this,
    All my beans, runner (no idea on exact type) the Prince dwarf french and blauhilde and necktar gold climbing.
    Courgettes, round and yellow. Loads of fruit, already giving them away.
    All types of lettuce, I think I've saved about �40 already.
    Beetroot and carrots have done well
    Lemon cucumbers are producing very prolifically
    and gem squash, I've had about five off already and must have the same number again.

    Looking optimistic - tomatoes, peppers, chillis and tomatillos.

    Failures (or not so good)
    Broad beans, I had a very meagre crop, but I think this was because it rained for two weeks solid while the flowers were open so they didn't get pollinated.
    Rocket, my second batch also went straight to seed.
    Turnips, they produced loads of leaves but only a few very fibrous turnips.
    Last edited by blackkitty; 28-07-2006, 12:09 PM.


    • #3
      So far...


      Crystal Apple Cucumbers (love these)
      Tiger Tom tomatoes (had about 6 ripen and were amazing)
      Half Pint peas
      Dwarf runner beans
      Blackcurrent (huge crop off 1 bush)
      Raspberries (just finished but cropped for 6 weeks)

      Looking good - tomatoes still got lots to go, chillis, cabbage, sweetcorn, peppers and ground cherry/cape goosberry.

      Gooseberry died (since replaced)
      Sour cherrry died
      Redcurrant (since replaced)

      oh and this post my 100th
      Last edited by GardenFan; 28-07-2006, 01:14 PM.


      • #4
        Well done Gardenfan,
        I think what you call crystal apple cucumbers and I call lemon cucumber are the same. Round, pale yellow fruits about 10 - 12cm diameter, quite green inside and very juicy. I agree, they're far easier to grow than the long ones and have a better flavour as well.


        • #5
          1 x Broccoli plant!
          Toms - growing nicely
          Sweetcorn - growing nicely
          Carrots - the same
          Herbs - all growing well
          Potatoes - doing well, but foliage squashed by hot chickens looking for shade
          Runners - lots of flowers


          Rocket - Flea beetle
          11 X Broccoli plants (1st 6 eaten by chickens - next 6 LEAPT off shelf & only one survived)
          Raspberry canes - flowered & fruited then forgot to water

          In the balance:

          A 10 inch walnut tree grown from nut - approx 3 yrs old, earlier this month all leaves all turned black and fell off - the trunk (stem?) is still very pliale, but no leaves to speak of...
          How can a woman be expected to be happy with a man who insists on treating her as if she were a perfectly normal human being.�


          • #6
            sunbeam - I planted 2 walnut trees this year, 1 is fab and the other is exactly as you describe... they are both in similar positions, had same treatement, etc. still trying to remain hopeful for the sickly one!


            • #7
              good and poor

              dear all,
              good were;broad beans, runner beans, french beans, mange tout, artichokes, courgettes, spring onion, carrotts, lettuce and mixed leaves, blueberries, sweet peas diamond wedding variety, potatoes lady christl and disiree and saxon.
              Yet to come sweetcorn more beetroot more strawberries, potatoes, onions, squash, parsnip, turnip, brussel sprouts, more pots.
              poor raspberries, strawberries, gooseberries,
              Retirement is when you stop living at work and start working at living


              • #8
                Hhmm...... feeling a tad defeated at the mo...


                Butternut squash, but boy what a monster! Where did my garden dissappear to??!
                Rhubharb, nothing's keeping that beast down
                Tomatoes, whatever space the butternut have left, they've taken over

                Not good:
                Strawbs, but they are first year runners
                Raspbs, but I did move them in March so maybe I'm lucky they survived at all
                Runners - why oh why do I have no luck with them...??

                So maybe next year I'll have a rethink what I grow and admit defeat with a begginers pack

                "There are only two lasting bequests we can hope to give our children; one of these is roots, the other wings" - Hodding Carter


                • #9
                  Not doing too bad this year with the crops.
                  Successes were:-
                  Peas, a bumper crop.
                  White turnips, same and first time growing, so well pleased.
                  Onions, a great crop but a lot of thick necks.
                  Garloc, large cloves but lots of thick neck also.
                  all salad doing well.
                  A good crop of fruit from raspberries, blackcurrents and gooseberries.
                  Carrots, did'nt germinate outdoors but got a reasonable crop from Parmex grown indoors.
                  Brocolli, went to seed.
                  Parsnips only six germinated, but so far growing well.
                  Potatoes, tomatoes, peppers and cucs coming along nicely so far.
                  Have to say overall am quite pleased as i did leave all for three and a half weeks holiday with no major casualties.

                  And when your back stops aching,
                  And your hands begin to harden.
                  You will find yourself a partner,
                  In the glory of the garden.

                  Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


                  • #10
                    Good......early potatoes, bright lights chard, perpetual spinach, lettuce, radish, onions

                    Still waiting to see........beetroot, sprouts(battling with the caterpillars), red and white cabbage(ditto), main crop potatoes, french beans, peas, carrots

                    DISASTER!!!!..........cauliflower(seeds germinated then immediately died), courgette(plants went all brown and died), tomatoes(ditto), chilis(lack of greenhouse seems to mean lack of chillis)

                    But not bad considering...and it keeps me sane!!!!!!


                    • #11
                      Doing Good:
                      Huge crop off raspberries. strawberries, blueberries and cherry.
                      Greengage actually has gages on it this year about 10, fingers crossed.
                      Garlic did well, good heads and they split into cloves this year.
                      Courgette defender - my God! had mammoth ones to cute cuddly ones of this beast.
                      Pint pot peas, three pots and over 12 meals off them before replanting new ones.
                      Chillies, seem to being doing well and plenty forming.
                      Sungold tomato - these are beautiful, highly recommend them for outdoor growing, thick skin but tiny beautiful yellow tasting toms.
                      Celeriac - started out bad but now going strong.
                      Sweet peas (know they're not veg) for the first year have gone mad.
                      Rhubarb, can't keep up so have left them for ornamental value and to rot back down into the crown to make it stronger for next year.
                      Fennel - tasty and vigorous.
                      Borlotti going like the guns.
                      Dahlias grown from seed all doing well but alot of yellow ones!

                      Not so Good:
                      Tiny crop off blackcurrant.
                      Oregano and basil attacked. Never have any luck with basil.
                      First lot of Cara gave a small crop.
                      French beans have not been so good this year.
                      Best wishes
                      Harbinger of Rhubarb tales


                      • #12
                        First year of growing veg so am happy with what I achieved.


                        Mange tout Peas,
                        French Beans
                        Ice King Lettuce
                        Tomatoes - various all doing very well.
                        Salad leaves - various
                        Green Peppers

                        Not so Good

                        Broad beans - not many beans off the plants
                        Brassicas - disasters
                        Carrots - mole problems
                        Beetroot - mole problems
                        Aubergine - planted too late

                        Still to come

                        Potatoes - shop bought havn't a clue what!
                        Butternut Squash - two tiny ones
                        Courgettes - just starting - had one off there!
                        Gem Squash - flowering but no sign of fruit
                        Last edited by Squirrel; 01-08-2006, 06:09 PM.


                        • #13
                          Blackberries - planted last Oct/Nov, still knee high to bleeding grasshopper!!


                          • #14
                            Presume they are under the heading of "failure"

                            And when your back stops aching,
                            And your hands begin to harden.
                            You will find yourself a partner,
                            In the glory of the garden.

                            Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


                            • #15
                              Blackcurrant - bush looks dead , cuttings seem to be thriving.
                              Harlequin potatoes - only about 2.5 lbs from the potato barrel but they tasted lovely
                              Into every life a little rain must fall.


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