Well i just want to show you some of my pride and joy and also show any people investigating the grapevine and thinking of starting off your own vegie patch how easy this can really be.As you will see if you visit my blog i've only been doing this 7months now and i've thought why not earlyer!! So if you are looking at this and thinking of starting growing your own DO NOT hesitate ! (If i can do it you can)
Picture might be a bit poor taken on my mobile.
pics Top to bottom..me eating a mighty fine cherry
my harvested penland javlins,Caulis hearts& some really tasty peas
TheGrosvenorStPlotMore pics and storys on the blog..............Lee
Picture might be a bit poor taken on my mobile.
pics Top to bottom..me eating a mighty fine cherry

TheGrosvenorStPlotMore pics and storys on the blog..............Lee