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IS yours as bad as this
NTG. I'm sorry to say your greenhouse looks empty. I have mine stacked from floor to ceiling. It's only 6' 8' and I have two mini greenhouse 4 tier stands, and a potting station on one side and on the other side a 6' two tier staging. Round the top of the greenhouse like you I have shelving running round. Having said that I am also storing a number of tools in the greenhouse as well.
I do have the advantage that my greenhouse is secure in my back garden. If it wasn't then I would not have so many things in it or be over wintering so many pot plants such as oranges. I also have two electric propagators and one non-electric working in there at this time to grow all my annual bedding plants.
Whaddya mean untidy
This is absolutely immaculate in comparison to mine - and I thought mine was quite tidy just now. Other difference is I have very few green things in my 'house just now - still too early for up here. Have overwintered hostas, seedling aquilegias and some hebe cuttings but that's it at the mo. Mine's full of those things I've been gathering in preparation for the coming season - seed packets, compost, 40 or so coke bottle cloches, pots, trays and buckets, 2 lengths of guttering for my peas, fleece,chainsaw & associated items, waterproof jacket and wellies, plastic trugs etc etc - not too much green stuff there !
British by birth
Scottish by the Grace of God
Originally posted by NicosJaxom -do you have much trouble with condensation?
When we built the green house we also put three courses of bricks down fist so the whole green house is taller than most. I have four automatic openers on my windows so as soon as it gets too hot they open and release excess hot air. The Electric heater will also have turned off a long time before this too so again none of the problems that normally come with paraffin heaters on 24hrs a day.
I check my propagators every day and remove any condensation as and when it builds up.
So far this year I have been very lucky.
Hi Guys,
The big one first, this is about 2/3's of it and you cant see the 3 shelves that are crammed with seed trays & the pots of trailing Fuchsias hanging from the roof, the 3 pots of Lillies, 5 pots of Gladiola Primulina & 2 pots of Alliums- oh and the carrots somn direct in the bed
The little one - Although there is a parafin heater in there, it's empty and there was nowhere else to put it!! Also you can't see the Shahllots in 5" pots sprouting merrily and the rest of the Crimson flowered broad beans also in 5" pots - I'd got 3 seeds and rather than chance it I put them in pots in the hope I could grow them for seed for next year as the are colorful as opposed to the normal white flowered ones.
As to Condensation, none in the big house - electric & the little one is cold.... very cold yesterday but has 2 roof vents & the Lovre thats always open a touch.
I've got to prick out the Brussells & cabage as well as start the tomatoes & bedding off but the Chrysanths are the 1st priority then the Dahlias (big white boxes - ex fishmongers made of Polystyrene with holes already in , V.usefull) then the Veg And last ly the bedding by which time I'l have 2 greenhouses & 2 coldframes full!
Originally posted by JaxomWhen we built the green house we also put three courses of bricks down fist so the whole green house is taller than most. .
For info Jax the big house is on two rows of breeze blocks and then I fastened some 4"x2" tanalised timber to this so that house is 20" off the ground & was modified by the makers to fit this (sides are 6') this was done for two reasons,
1 - plenty of head room for the chrysanths to flower in november as some go to 6' tall
2 -I kept banging my head on the roof vent in the old house !!!
The little on is on 1 row of blocks + the 4 x 2 and is about 5' at the eaves reason see above No 2Last edited by nick the grief; 26-02-2006, 11:00 AM.
To those of who don't have greenhouses (I have one but it doesn't have any glass in it at the momment!) I bought mine a couple of months ago on Ebay. It is well recommended. Especially if you have a space for a big one. The larger the greenhouse the cheaper it tends to be. As less people have the space. I bought a big 12ft by 16ft, that came with heaters, electric boards, a tap connection, irrigation system, autovents, benches and shading. Along with pots compost and hanging baskets all for �500!. Still a lot of money but if you consider the basic model should have been nearly �3K without the extra's it was a bargin. I would also look in local papers or put an ad in yourself to see if anyone has any to give away. After buying mine I had numerous offers of free ones. You wouldn't beleive how many greenhouses are sitting out there unloved and unused just waiting for a vegetable growing nut to own them and care for them.
A greenhouse is for life - not just for spring!
Since we bought our greenhouse the only offers we have had is.... You are welcome to work in our garden.... or If you have too much in the way of spring greens give them to us.
Some how or other I can't see me doing someone elses garden, no mater how nice their greenhouse.
Yes it's amazing how many friends you aquire isn't it Jax! The only person I used to share stuff with was a lady who was vegetarian and I used to take her some bits in, then we would fight over payments, I didn't want anything she wanted to pay me, but as here Husband worked where there was a counicil Nursary, he used to bring me the pots that they used to bin & we would use them for our Plant sales so it saved us a fortune!
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