Thanks to everyone who took part!
And everyone who voted!
Thanks to everyone who took part!
And everyone who voted!
Heaviest Pumpkin
1st - Allotment grower
2nd -bearded bloke
Best Container
Joint 1st - Potstubsdustbins, mrbadexample & vikicats
Best Chili/Peppers - Collection
1st -The Large One
2nd -Parsleythelion
Joint 3rd - Jelliebabe & Kernowyon
Best Funny Fruit or Veg.
2nd -lottie dolly
3rd -veggiechicken
Best Chillis/Peppers - single variety
1st- kernowyon
Joint 2nd-Bren In Pots, The Large One & PyreneesPlot
Three Beans, Same Variety
2nd- redser
3rd- Florence Fennel
Longest Bean
1st- Mr Bones
2nd -lottie dolly
Joint 3rd -Potstubsdustbins & bearded bloke
Pair of Root Veg
Joint 1st- redser & Sarz
Three Items of Fruit
1st- Veggiechicken
2nd- crichmond
3rd- mrbadexample
Plate of Ten Berries
1st -veggiechicken
3rd Scarlet
Prettiest Rose,
1st- veggiechicken
Joint 2nd -Paulieb & Thelma Sanders
Tallest Sunflower
1st-Mr Bones
Joint 2nd-Potstubsdustbins & arpoet
Best Dish, Made with Own Produce
1st -Two_Sheds
Plate of Salad
Plate of Eggs
bearded bloke
(...just for the laugh of it!

Fluffiest Bum [chooks, not human]
1st-bearded bloke
Best Failure
1st -veggiechicken
2nd -lottie dolly
3rd- bearded bloke
Three Tomatoes
Joint 1st -redser & taff
3rd -Scarlet
Truss of Cherry Tomatoes
1st--Bren In Pots
2nd - bearded bloke
3rd - Jelliebabe
Any Other Item
1st -Sarzwix
2nd -VinceG
3rd – vegmandan
Three Potatoes
1st- Two_Sheds
2nd- lottie dolly
Joint 3rd -Potstubsdustbins & Bren in pots
Three Bulbs of Garlic
1st- bearded bloke
2nd - WilliamD
3rd- Joint 3rd - Scarlet and Lottie Dolly
Three Onions/Alliums
1st- Kernowyon
2nd- bearded bloke
3rd- Tripmeup
Three Beetroot
1st - Bigmally
2nd – MrBadExample
3rd- - Tripmeup
Three Carrots
1st - Kernowyon
2nd - MrBadExample
3rd- - Florence Fennel
One Squash
1st - Sarzwix
2nd - Mr Bones
3rd- - Florence Fennel
Three Blooms, Any Flower
1st - Lottie Dolly
2nd – Two sheds
3rd - Scarlet
Pair of Courgettes
1st - Jellibabe
Joint 2nd - bearded bloke and Sarico
Pair of Cucumbers
1st- Jellibabe
2nd- Vikicats
One Brassica
1st - Bigmally
2nd - Sarzwix
3rd – Mrbadexample
Overall results....
As usual, we've awarded 3 points for a 1st, 2 points for a 2nd, and 1 point for a 3rd. For joint places, winners will share the points [so joint second, the 2 points will be shared].
On that basis, overall points are as follows:
bearded bloke 17.5
lottie dolly 11.5
mbe 10
twosheds 10
kernowyon 9.5
sarz 9.5
big mally 9
jellibabe 8.5
mr bones 8
veggie chicken 7
pots 6
redser 5
bren 4.17
Tlo 3.67
scarlet 3.5
allot grower 3
vikicats 3
nellie-m 3
flo 3
pyrenees plot 2.33
parsley 2
crichmond 2
paulieb 2
sarico 2
vince g 2
william d 2
tripmeup 2
taff 1.5
thelma 1
arpoet 1
veg man dan 1