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Any bigger out there?
Oh yeah baby! Hence my keen interest in the article, my garden gets taken over by it....
I really did inherit a monster patch with my garden... a nice (to become alcoholic) monster though...Shortie
"There are only two lasting bequests we can hope to give our children; one of these is roots, the other wings" - Hodding Carter
I may catch you up later!
My pot forcing the rhubarb blew away in the last wind (heaven knows where it went, there is probably some poor sheep walking around with it on his head - it was a big one! the pot that is)
Everything seems so behind this year, even the rhubarb which is normally going great guns by now.~
Aerodynamically the bumblebee shouldn't be able to fly, but the bumblebee doesn't know that so it goes on flying anyway.
~ Mary Kay Ash
At our allotments very few of us have much more than a few shoots. But one women has a huge mound of it and has been trying to give it away!!! She didn't force it and most of the rhubarb on the plots are the same variety, as everyone was given a crown as a gift from the council !!! (yes I did say gift)
I'll be asking her for tips shortly, so watch this space!!!
When I inherited (mean came with the house when I bought it 20 years ago) this garden, one of the very few things that were in it ( although the "garden" was 30 years old, ) was rhubarb. Don't have any now. didn't do anything to get rid of it so must just have died out. What a shame.
From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.
Yours is bigger than mine.....
I only have a few inches poking out so far (watch the Warwickshire lot have fun with that one....) so you are way ahead.
However, I told the OH about the Schnapps and she went straight out and covered it to force it. We have 2 more plants that aren't showing yet but their turn for forcing will be next year, especially if the schnapps goes as well as the Damson Gin (couldn't get sloes - anybody know where to get them, and will they go in North East Scotland?).
I suppose the easier question will be .....
Is anyone NOT going to try the schnapps recipe.........?Dave
Do what you enjoy, or learn to enjoy what you do - life is too short.
Not long to wait for it though. If yours in anything like min you won't have to wait long to harvest...
I considered moving it this year to a different spot but saw how huge it grows last year and realised it would be a futile thing to move, so gave in and actually redesigned the garden around it!
Oh, and I don't force it either. It think it's pretty forcefull enough as it is !Shortie
"There are only two lasting bequests we can hope to give our children; one of these is roots, the other wings" - Hodding Carter
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