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Giant pumpkins!!


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  • Giant pumpkins!!

    Got a giant pumpkin growing in the greenhouse and would love some help on cutting it back a bit as it�s got out hand.
    Hoping to grow one pumpkin on it for the RNLI to display but currently have 3 pumpkins that have set, need help from an experienced giant pumpkin grower on how to deal with it.
    I am in the stockton on Tees area.
    Have pictures but can�t post off my phone.


  • #2
    There�s some helpful info here about selection,I�ve only grown pumpkins once -

    Selection time:
    If you have pollinated more then one pumpkin on your plant it is important to select your chosen one and cut off (cull) all others. This will give your plant the best chance at producing a winner. When culling there are a few things to consider to help you select 'the one'.

    1. Maine vine vs. side vine: Just about all the winners come off the main vine so favor any you have set on the main

    2. Pollination date: The ideal window is July 1st to July 7th but it can be difficult to hit this small time frame, but if you have one in this prime zone this is a plus

    3. Distance out: A pumpkin that is set to close to the initial plant site could give you problems later in the season. Use 8ft. as the absolute minimum and 12ft. - 17ft. as the ideal range. By having a pumpkin further out this gives the plant more leaves behind it to push nutrients and water to your selected pumpkin

    4. The hard choice two pumpkins on the main vine, one is only 9ft. out and was pollinated on July 2nd and the other is 14ft. out and pollinated on July 6th, which one do you chose? I was faced with this exact situation this year and I had to go with my gut feeling, and I selected the smaller one that was further out in hopes that later in the season having more vines behind the pumpkin will keep the pumpkin growing up to the weigh-off day. Your place for New Giant Pumpkin grower information.
    Location : Essex


    • #3
      Click image for larger version

Name:	4C44EEBB-1936-4526-B916-D9A7A981A78E.jpeg
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ID:	2380025

      Click image for larger version

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Size:	46.6 KB
ID:	2380026

      Just a quick update, coming on ok, that�s a 10p coin on top of the pumpkin!!


      • #4
        That's doing great. A very worthy cause you're growing it for as well .
        Is there going to be a guess the weight of the pumpkin competition too help raise funds?
        Maybe guess how many pumpkin pies you can make from one monster pumpkin


        • #5
          Click image for larger version

Name:	6122F6A3-0BA5-415D-946F-EE922A5F36D5.jpeg
Views:	1
Size:	47.3 KB
ID:	2380091

          It�s growing like mad!!


          • #6
            Originally posted by Small pumpkin View Post
            That's doing great. A very worthy cause you're growing it for as well .
            Is there going to be a guess the weight of the pumpkin competition too help raise funds?
            Maybe guess how many pumpkin pies you can make from one monster pumpkin
            I haven’t discussed the details with them yet, wanted to wait until nearer the time and make sure it’s all grown to plan, to be honest it’s bigger than most of the largest pumpkins available for general sale at holloween already, I would like to carve it and display it to raise money, possibly with a battery candle in it behind the carved bit and maybe a slot in the top so the money can drop into a money box inside. Maybe �1 a guess for total weight of pumpkin including the money inside and a prize for the nearest guess.


            • #7
              Click image for larger version

Name:	DFC2E518-4398-4C0A-8DC4-B2E6C9627D94.jpeg
Views:	1
Size:	52.0 KB
ID:	2380270

              My watch is for comparison!!
              Still a good 6 weeks of growing to do!!


              • #8
                Fabulous! You might want to start thinking about how you're going to move it... you may need help.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by 1Bee View Post
                  Fabulous! You might want to start thinking about how you're going to move it... you may need help.
                  More importantly, how it’s going to fit through the Greenhouse door!


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