I have just taken over a second half plot, and this time, I'm planning the layout more carefully, to ensure better and more efficient use of the space.
Raised beds feature heavily in my new plan, I've found them really useful for keeping both weeds and (my) children out of the growing areas...
So I felt pretty pleased when I bagged a whole bunch of old decking on freecycle, as I plan to use this to make the beds.
However, I am now concerned that my decking treasure I was so pleased with just 24h ago, might be treated in some way which would cause leaching of undesirable and potentially health hazardous preservatives/insecticides/fungicides into the soil.
Am I paranoid or is this a justified concern?!
Raised beds feature heavily in my new plan, I've found them really useful for keeping both weeds and (my) children out of the growing areas...
So I felt pretty pleased when I bagged a whole bunch of old decking on freecycle, as I plan to use this to make the beds.
However, I am now concerned that my decking treasure I was so pleased with just 24h ago, might be treated in some way which would cause leaching of undesirable and potentially health hazardous preservatives/insecticides/fungicides into the soil.
Am I paranoid or is this a justified concern?!
