Has anyone here any experience of using scaffold netting as a cover for brassicas to keep off the dreaded Cabbage White butterflies? Does it let enough light through?
I see on Amazon that you can get 2M x 50M for £24.99. 2M wide would be perfect for covering the hoop frames I've made out of plastic pipe and roof batten. Some of these currently have bird netting on them for covering strawberries but it's too wide a mesh to keep out butterflies, so maybe the scaffold netting would be OK for over strawberries too?
I see on Amazon that you can get 2M x 50M for £24.99. 2M wide would be perfect for covering the hoop frames I've made out of plastic pipe and roof batten. Some of these currently have bird netting on them for covering strawberries but it's too wide a mesh to keep out butterflies, so maybe the scaffold netting would be OK for over strawberries too?